F-Stop, the canceled Portal prequel, appears in a new video courtesy of Valve

F-Stop (or Aperture Camera) - the long-rumored and unreleased prequel to Portal, which Valve worked on, has finally become public, and with the permission of the "valves". This video from LunchHouse Software demonstrates the gameplay and concept of F-Stop - basically the mechanics of taking pictures of objects to duplicate and place them in order to solve puzzles in a XNUMXD environment.

F-Stop, the canceled Portal prequel, appears in a new video courtesy of Valve

The F-Stop project started after Portal was launched as part of The Orange Box in 2007. The game does not use familiar weapons or teleportation technology from the series. Instead, the game is about another device from the Aperture Science labs - it appears to be an earlier solution developed by the researchers that includes what appears to be a magical camera.

For example, by taking a picture of a ceiling fan and placing a copy of it on the floor, the player can climb to a higher platform and leave the test room. Players can also resize anything that is duplicated, such as creating a staircase from a set of blocks. Attaching balloons to an object raises it.

F-Stop, the canceled Portal prequel, appears in a new video courtesy of Valve

LunchHouse will dedicate a series of videos to F-Stop, which the developers call Exposure. It's not entirely clear what the studio is doing with the source code, which the developers say they got with Valve's permission. For now it's just a documentary (gaming archeology, as the LunchHouse team calls their work), and not a teaser of some game that takes place in the Portal universe.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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