Head of Xbox: AMD Zen 2 cores will provide high frame rates for the Xbox Series X console

It is the Zen 2 processor cores that will allow the future Xbox Series X console to provide high and stable frame rates in games, says Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft's Xbox division.

Head of Xbox: AMD Zen 2 cores will provide high frame rates for the Xbox Series X console

“We've never tried to limit developers on our platforms,” Spencer tells Stevivor, “whether it's the ability to experience games at 60 FPS on Xbox 360 or 4K and 60 FPS on Xbox One X. We want to give developers all the tools that let them try whatever they want.”

“I think we've reached a point with Xbox One X in the current console generation where games look amazing, but there's always more we can do to make them even more amazing. However, I would also like games to feel as amazing as they look. We don't have that in the current generation, mainly because the CPU is less powerful than the GPU and can't deliver that experience with the high frame rates, variable refresh rates and other things we want to provide."

Head of Xbox: AMD Zen 2 cores will provide high frame rates for the Xbox Series X console

That is, according to the head of Xbox, current consoles are limited by the performance of a central processor built on AMD Jaguar cores with the old architecture. The platforms for the new consoles will be based on AMD Zen 2 cores, which have become much more productive. As you know, current AMD processors are able to compete almost equally with Intel in games, and will undoubtedly be able to provide future consoles with a significant increase in performance, as well as support for various modern technologies.

Since Microsoft, Sony will also use platforms with Zen 2 cores in their next-generation consoles, so not only the future Xbox Series X will receive all the advantages that Spencer listed. We also note that both consoles will offer many other modern technologies, such as high-speed solid-state drives and graphics with support for real-time ray tracing.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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