Hideo Kojima to host Death Stranding world tour

Kojima Productions announced about hosting a world tour to celebrate the launch of Death Stranding. This was reported on the studio's Twitter. 

Hideo Kojima to host Death Stranding world tour

The developers noted that Hideo Kojima will go on a journey with them. The studio will hold events in Paris, London, Berlin, New York, Tokyo, Osaka and other cities. Unfortunately, there are no Russian cities on the list, but Kojima has already introduced Death Stranding to domestic players as part of a recent trips to Moscow.

The start of the tour is scheduled for October 30th. A more specific schedule will be published later. The presentation program has not yet been announced.

On October 5, Hideo Kojima visited IgroMir-2019 in Moscow. The game designer took part in a closed presentation and held an autograph session. In addition, the developer visited the Evening Urgant program, where he discussed the process of creating games and spoke about his work.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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