Players have found a way to improve the performance of the addition to Monster Hunter: World on PC

Launch of the PC version of the Iceborne add-on to Monster Hunter: World not without its troubles: on top of everything else, the addon suffers from performance problems. While the developers are working on an official solution, players have found a temporary one.

Players have found a way to improve the performance of the addition to Monster Hunter: World on PC

As discovered by a Reddit forum member under the pseudonym RobotPirateMoses, increase the frame rate, and also save DLC from long loading times and freezes with just a few simple steps.

  1. After starting the game, wait for the main menu to appear.
  2. Switch to windowed mode (Alt+Enter).
  3. Click on the close game button.
  4. Answer β€œNo” when the program asks if you really want to close the window.
  5. Return to full screen mode (Alt+Enter).

The above manipulations force the updated anti-cheat system that Capcom added to Iceborne to shut down. This, in turn, significantly reduces the load on the system.

Players have found a way to improve the performance of the addition to Monster Hunter: World on PC

It's worth noting that the temporary solution didn't help everyone - in a thread on Reddit, some users continue to complain about performance. The problem did not affect other players at all.

The day after the release of Iceborne on PC, Capcom confirmed that the add-on was suffering from low performance, but the timing of the release of the life-saving patch was they don't call.

The Iceborne expansion was released on September 6, 2019 on PS4 and Xbox One, and reached PC four months later - on January 9, 2020. The addon adds a new region, 14 types of weapons, a β€œmaster” rank of task difficulty and several types of monsters.


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