KDE plans to switch to Wayland in 2022

Nate Graham, Leading the Quality Assurance Team at the KDE Project, shared his thoughts on where the KDE project will take in 2022. In particular, Nate believes that in the coming year it will be possible to completely replace the X11-session of KDE with a session based on the Wayland protocol. There are currently about 20 known issues that are observed when using Wayland in KDE, and the issues added to the list have become less and less significant lately. The most important of the recent Wayland-related changes is the addition of GBM (Generic Buffer Manager) support to NVIDIA's proprietary driver, which can be used in KWin.

Other plans include:

  • Combining language and format settings in the configurator.
  • Redesign of the Breeze icon set. Colored icons will be visually refreshed, softened, rounded and freed from obsolete elements such as long shadows. Monochrome pictograms will also be redesigned and adapted to work better with different color schemes.
  • The solution to all problems with multi-monitor configurations.
  • Support for inertial scrolling in programs based on QtQuick.
  • An initiative to fix as many bugs as possible in KDE Plasma and related components (KWin, System Settings, Discover, etc.) that pop up in the first 15 minutes of working in KDE. In Nate's opinion, such errors are mainly the source of negative opinions about KDE among users.

Source: opennet.ru

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