MyPaint and GIMP packages conflict on ArchLinux

For many years people have been able to use both GIMP and MyPaint from Arch's official repository at the same time. But recently everything has changed. Now you must choose one. Or build one of the packages yourself, making some changes.

It all started with the fact that the archivist could not build GIMP and complained to the developers of Gimp. To which he was told that everything works for everyone, GIMP has nothing to do with it, and that these are archeproblems. report Arch's bug tracker solved his problem.

It turned out that Arch's maintainer used a patch that changed the names of some of the libmypaint files. Among them was the configuration file for pkg-config, which affects the build of the libmypaint-dependent Gimp. According to the maintainer, this was done unintentionally and after a complaint, the ancient patch was canceled. However, after it was canceled, an unresolvable conflict between the libmypaint and MyPaint packages arose, due to the fact that the packages have matching file names.

The culprit of this monstrous error is recommended to consider the author of MyPaint, who incorrectly used his own library.

Rumor has it that after the release of MyPaint 2 the problem will be resolved. But at the moment the second version is only in the alpha stage. The last release of MyPaint 1.2.1 was in January 2017 and who knows how long it will take before the official release of the second version.

If you have GIMP and MyPaint installed at the same time, then you will either have to remove one or add the IgnorePkg = mypaint option to the [options] section of /etc/pacman.conf and hope that MyPaint will continue to work until a new version is released .

Quote from the comments another maintainer:

The fact that we fixed a longstanding bug in our libmypaint package, which caused a conflict with mypaint, is not inherently some sort of bad occurrence, and the fact that mypaint now conflicts against the gimp package's dependencies is not because we hate it or want to drop it to the AUR. It is… simply the unfortunate consequence of bad decisions by the upstream mypaint developers.


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