World of Warcraft 'Reckoning' Short Film Concludes Saurfang's Story

Even in preparation for the launch of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, Blizzard Entertainment presented story short video dedicated to the legendary warrior of the Horde Varok Saurfang, who was broken by endless bloodshed and the actions of Sylvanas Windrunner to destroy the Tree of Life Teldrassil.

World of Warcraft 'Reckoning' Short Film Concludes Saurfang's Story

Then was released next video, in which King Anduin Wrynn, also tired and depressed by the long war on the lands of Azeroth, offered Varok Saurfang an alliance against the banshee queen. Wanting to stop Sylvanna, Varok enlisted another legendary leader of the Horde, Thrall, son of Durotan, to his side. third CG short for Battle for Azeroth.

Now the developers have presented the fourth cartoon, in which they finished the story of Varok Saurfang at the gates of Orgrimmar. The Alliance soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder with the rebels, led by Saurfang, at the walls of the fortress, where the Banshee Queen sat down with the Horde warriors. So that his relatives on both sides would not die, the old leader challenged Sylvanna to a duel, realizing in advance that he was doomed ...

At the same time, the developers presented an in-game story video "Diplomacy", which also sheds light on the development of history in the world of World of Warcraft. The war brought the Horde and Alliance to exhaustion, and the leaders of the warring parties decided to go to a secret meeting.


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