Liberated is an interactive comic-platformer about a dark authoritarian future

Walkabout Games, L.INC and Atomic Wolf have announced Liberated, an interactive graphic novel designed as a 2.5D platformer with dialogue and QTE scenes.

Liberated is an interactive comic-platformer about a dark authoritarian future

Liberated unfolds in the pages of a comic book. The game consists of four chapters that tell the story through the eyes of different characters. The story takes place in the dark world of the near future. Technology has turned against humanity, because of which, under the pretext of security, people have been deprived of many rights.

Technology has become a tool of manipulation in the hands of the authorities. At Liberated, people are monitored on social media, through surveillance cameras, and through personal devices. The game will tell the story of how authoritarianism is born in a democratic society and leads to collapse.

Liberated is an interactive comic-platformer about a dark authoritarian future

β€œLiberated tells the story of a group of people who decided to resist the new social order with all means available to them, including violent ones. They are opposed by the police and the authorities, whose main goal is to maintain order at any cost, even at the cost of human freedom. Exploring the story from different points of view, the player learns the world of the game and begins to understand the motivation of the actions of different characters. The player also understands that any action and any decision has consequences and can change the course of events.

Liberated is an interactive comic-platformer about a dark authoritarian future

Liberated will be available in 2019 for PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.


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