Microsoft is about to fix another bug in Windows Search

The search engine has long been an integral part of the entire line of Microsoft operating systems and Windows 10 in particular. It allows you to easily find documents, images or applications. However, problems with the search in the "top ten" occur regularly and quite often.

Microsoft is about to fix another bug in Windows Search

'Cause at Microsoft now working on the new Indexer Diagnostics application, which is already is available in the Microsoft Store. According to the developers, it should help troubleshoot indexing problems during searches.

The application is still available in a beta version, but it already knows how to display data about the indexing process, and also allows you to restart the corresponding service. You can also find out if a particular application or file is indexed.

The company has not yet officially announced the Indexer Diagnostics app, but is expected to do so later this year. In addition, we recall that the Windows 10 20H1 update got update to reduce disk and processor load. In any case, the company promises that this is how it will work. It remains to wait for the release of the release to draw conclusions.

But the problem in finding the Explorer has not yet been resolved, although this fix has been expected for a long time. But Redmond is in no hurry to announce the date. Obviously, this should not be expected until spring, when the finished mass version of the update will be released. 


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