Star Wars mobile games have earned over a billion dollars

Star Wars games on mobile platforms have earned more than a billion dollars. About it says in the Sensor Tower report. It took six years to achieve this figure.

Star Wars mobile games have earned over a billion dollars

The most profitable project was Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes from the publisher Electronic Arts, which earned more than $924 million (87% of the total). The company expects to reach the billion-dollar revenue mark on its own. Second place went to Star Wars Commander from the Zynga studio, which brought developers $93 million (9% of the total), and third place went to LEGO Star Wars: Complete Saga from Warner Bros. with a result of $11 million (1% of the total amount).

Star Wars mobile games have earned over a billion dollars

Revenues for mobile games in the franchise have increased significantly due to the release of a new trilogy of films. As a rule, record figures were achieved in the month of the film's release. The exception was the release of the Han Solo film in 2018. Then the month of the film's release became the fourth most profitable month of the year.

Residents of the United States spent the most on Star Wars mobile games - $640 million (61% of the amount). Germany took second place with $66 million (6% of the amount), and third place went to Great Britain with $57 million (5% of the amount). 

Of the platforms, iOS brought more. People spent 50,4% of their funds on it. Android's share was 49,6%.


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