Named the most common Internet threats faced by Russians

A joint study by Microsoft and the Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies showed that Russians most often face threats such as fraud and deceit on the Internet, but cases of harassment and trolling are also not uncommon.

Named the most common Internet threats faced by Russians

According to the Digital Civility Index, Russia is in 22nd place out of 25 countries. According to available data, in 2019, 79% of users from Russia faced Internet risks, while the global average is at the level of 70%.

In terms of the most common risks, the leading position is occupied by fraud and fraud, which 53% of users have encountered. Next come unwanted contacts (44%), mistreatment (44%), harassment (43%) and trolling (29%). Up to 88% of users aged 19-35, about 84% of users aged 36-50, as well as 76% of people aged 51-73 and 73% of minors face the mentioned risks.

The report also states that women take online threats more seriously than men. 66% of women and only 48% of men take Internet threats seriously. It is worth mentioning that 64% of the victims of Internet threats in Russia met their offenders in real life, while the global average is 48%. Many users (95%) who faced online risks experienced anxiety. Discrimination, damage to personal and professional reputation, cyberbullying and sexual harassment are most acutely perceived by users.

As for the countries with the highest DCI score, they include the UK, the Netherlands and Germany, while the worst performers are South Africa, Peru, Colombia, Russia and Vietnam.


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