An update to Androwish, an environment for running Tcl/Tk applications on Android systems

Prepared application release AndroWish ("Eppur si muove"), allowing run Tcl/Tk scripts on systems with Android platform, without changing them, or with minimal changes (for example, tkabber works). The project provides a native port of Tcl/Tk 8.6 for Android version 2.3.3+ for Arm and x86. The package includes everything you need to work, including an X11 emulator, SDL 2.0, FreeType for rendering fonts. There is full support for Unicode 8.0 and support for drawing 3D widgets using OpenGL with OpenGLES 1.1 emulation. Platform-specific commands are used to access devices and Android: borg, ble, rfcomm, usbserial.

The new release has updated component versions, for example, Tcl / Tk 8.6.9 and SQLite 2.0.6 with patches are involved. Several new extensions have been implemented: tkvlc, topcua, tclJBlend and tcl-fuse. A preview of the Webview component is available for major desktop platforms. Assembly undroidwish included a new "jsmpeg" driver for SDL.


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