Update Repixture 3.11.0, games on the Minetest engine

A new version of Repixture 3.11.0 has been released, a deliberately simplified sandbox survival game built on the Minetest engine. The main elements of the game are agriculture, animals and monsters, villages and residents, and achievements. The game uses its original crafting system. The project code is written in Lua and distributed under the LGPL-2.1 license.

The new version adds the rp_music API, replaces some music tracks, and updates the translation into Russian. Additionally, a new mobs API is in development to replace Mobs Redo. At the moment, such functions as breeding, sounds, animation, etc. have been implemented. The API is being developed in a separate branch β€œmobs_new2”.

Update Repixture 3.11.0, games on the Minetest engine
Update Repixture 3.11.0, games on the Minetest engine
Update Repixture 3.11.0, games on the Minetest engine

Source: opennet.ru

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