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MemeTastic 1.6 is a mobile application for creating memes based on templates

MemeTastic is a simple meme generator for Android. Completely free of advertising and 'watermarks'. Memes can be created from template images placed in the /sdcard/Pictures/MemeTastic folder, images shared by other applications and images from the gallery, or take a photo with your camera and use this photo as a template. The application does not require network access to operate. Convenience […]

Full-time remote work: where to start if you are not a senior

Today, many IT companies are faced with the problem of finding employees in their region. More and more offers on the labor market are related to the possibility of working outside the office - remotely. Working in full-time remote mode assumes that the employer and employee are bound by clear labor obligations: a contract or employment agreement; most often, a certain standardized work schedule, a stable salary, vacations and [...]

VLC 3.0.8 media player update with security fixes

A corrective release of the VLC 3.0.8 media player has been presented, which eliminates accumulated errors and eliminates 13 vulnerabilities, including three problems (CVE-2019-14970, CVE-2019-14777, CVE-2019-14533) that can lead to the execution of an attacker’s code when trying to playback of specially designed multimedia files in MKV and ASF formats (write buffer overflow and two problems with accessing memory after it is freed). Four […]

2019 presentation design trends that will continue in 2020

Your “sales” presentation will be one of the 4 advertising messages that a person sees every day. How to distinguish it from the crowd? A large number of marketers use flashy—or vulgar—messaging tactics. Doesn't work for everyone. Would you give your money to banks that advertise with heists, or to a pension fund that uses the image of its founder with a […]

Release of new stable branch Tor 0.4.1

The release of the Tor toolkit, used to organize the operation of the anonymous Tor network, has been presented. Tor is recognized as the first stable release of the 0.4.1 branch, which has been in development for the past four months. The 0.4.1 branch will be maintained as part of the regular maintenance cycle - updates will be discontinued after 9 months or 3 months after the release of the 0.4.2.x branch. Long Time Support (LTS) is provided […]

End of i686 repositories on Fedora 31 approved

The FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee), responsible for the technical part of the development of the Fedora distribution, approved the cessation of the formation of the main repositories for the i686 architecture. Let us recall that initially consideration of this proposal was postponed to study the possible negative impact of the cessation of supply of packages for i686 on local module assemblies. The solution complements the solution already implemented in the rawhide branch to stop the formation of the boot […]

Malicious code detected in rest-client and 10 other Ruby packages

In the popular rest-client gem package, with a total of 113 million downloads, malicious code substitution (CVE-2019-15224) was detected, which downloads executable commands and sends information to an external host. The attack was carried out by compromising the rest-client developer account in the rubygems.org repository, after which the attackers published releases 13-14 on August 1.6.10 and 1.6.13, which included malicious changes. Before malicious versions of them are blocked […]

Backdoor Found in Webmin Allowing Remote Root Access

The Webmin package, which provides tools for remote server management, has a backdoor (CVE-2019-15107), found in the official project builds distributed through Sourceforge and recommended on the main website. The backdoor was present in builds from 1.882 to 1.921 inclusive (there was no code with the backdoor in the git repository) and allowed arbitrary shell commands to be executed remotely without authentication on a system with root rights. For […]

Release of the distribution kit Runtu XFCE 18.04.3

Presented is the release of the Runtu XFCE 18.04.3 distribution, based on the Xubuntu 18.04.3 LTS package base, optimized for Russian-speaking users and supplied with multimedia codecs and an expanded set of applications. The distribution is built using debootstrap and offers the Xfce 4.12 desktop with the xfwm window manager and LightDM display manager. The iso image size is 829 MB. The new release offers the Linux kernel […]

EverSpace 2 announced, but it will take a long time to wait

ROCKFISH Games has announced EverSpace 2, a sequel to the open-world space shooter “full of secrets, dangers and unforgettable adventures.” The developers promise to preserve all the advantages of its predecessor and offer many interesting innovations. The story-driven campaign will tell an exciting story and invite you to travel through space, discover new alien species, reveal secrets, solve puzzles and find treasures, while defending yourself from space pirates. […]

PvP mode in Ghost Recon Breakpoint will receive dedicated servers

The developers of Ghost Recon Breakpoint have revealed more details about the multiplayer. The lead designer of the project, Alexander Rice, said that PvP mode matches will take place on dedicated servers. “I am very pleased to announce that PvP matches of Ghost Recon Breakpoint will take place on dedicated servers. This is probably the most requested feature for players,” said Rice. He stated that this would not only increase [...]

One More Level Studios Announces Cyberpunk Thriller Ghostrunner

The list of cyberpunk games next year has been supplemented with another action game - One More Level studio announced the development of Ghostrunner for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The game already has its own page on the Steam store. It is curious that now 2020 is simply indicated as the release date, but a little earlier, when the announcement had just taken place, the authors named a specific date […]