A selection of upcoming free events for developers in Moscow #2

A selection of upcoming free events for developers in Moscow #2

It's been a week since the first post selections, which means that some events have already ended and new ones have appeared. Therefore, I am doing a new digest, which will be released on a weekly basis.

Events with open registration:

December 11, 18:30-21:00, Wednesday
Citymit IT. Meetup for developers of high-load systems
"Python multithreading without pain: the history of one service"

December 11, 19-30-22:00, Wednesday
December meetup for developers in Zelenograd
"Neuroimaging: Restoring Images from an EEG Signal"
"I love legacy"
"The cloud is not only virtual machines"

December 11, 19:00-21:00, Wednesday
New Year's postgres meetup
"Waiting for PostgreSQL 13"
"Storage as code"

December 11, 19:00-22:00, Wednesday
React Moscow Meetup 5: HOC, Hooks, Java & React, Huge Apps, MobX vs Redux
"Hooks and Hooks"
β€œA sea of ​​problems: migrating from legacy to React.js!”
"Why did we choose MobX over Redux?"

December 12, 18:30-21:30, Thursday
iOS Night in Kaspersky
"iOS development in Kaspersky"
"Frameworks 101"
"Offensive security iOS: Static and dynamic application analysis"

December 12, 19:00-22:00, Thursday
"The Pitfalls of Creating a Launcher App"
"Dagger in sheath or how to write your own di in Kotlin"
"The evolutionary path of transformation from one developer to a large team"

December 12, 18:30-22:00, Thursday
New Year's Kotlin: Efficient multiplatform and static code analysis
β€œIs Kotlin Multiplatform Ready for Efficient Mobile Application Development?”
"Kotlin Static Analysis Tools"

December 12, 18:00-20:45, Thursday
December Java Meetup
"Mechanisms for limiting the kernel functionality available to containerized processes - capabilities and seccomp filters"
"Mechanisms for limiting resource consumption (control groups) and isolating containerized processes from each other (namespaces)"

December 12, 18:3-21:00, Thursday
PyData Moscow #10
"Python and urban environment analysis"
"Pipeline for computer vision: development, embedding models, deployment and monitoring of the video control system of shelves"
"MLComp - distributed DAG execution for machine learning"

December 13, 16:00-20:00, Friday
Lua in Moscow Meetup
"How I made a lightweight IDE for Lua and Taratnool"
"Prefix tree for millions of rules"
"Lua and OOP"

December 17, 20:00-22:00, Tuesday
Scalability Meetup #13
"Google Cloud Platform Storage and Machine Learning Overview"
"Cloud ML and GPU clouds"

December 19, 19:00-21:00, Thursday
CUSTIS Meetup: Russian Oracle User Group
"Web Services in Oracle? Easily!"

Events for which registration has already closed:

December 11, 18:30-21:30, Wednesday
Moscow C++ User Group
"Baremetal C++"
β€œSerialization in C++ has never been easier! But wait, that's not all...
"C++ exceptions through the lens of compiler optimizations"

December 12, 19:30-21:30 PMThursday
Application of Greenplum in the corporate sector
"Adaptation of the DataVault 2.0 methodology for the task of building an Enterprise Data Warehouse in X5"
β€œDUET project: data synchronization between multiple Greenpum clusters. Experience at TinkoffΒ»
Greenplum vs Clickhouse: Fight! Or not?"

Source: habr.com

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