Avast and AVG products removed from Firefox add-ons catalog due to sending personal data

Mozilla Company deleted from the catalog addons.mozilla.org (AMO) Avast's four add-ons - Avast Online Security, AVG Online Security, Avast SafePrice, and AVG SafePrice. Add-ons have been removed due to the organization of the leakage of users' personal data. Google has not yet responded to the incident and additions. remain in the catalog Chrome App Store.

In addon code identified inserts for uploading user profiles and detailed information about the history of opening pages to the uib.ff.avast.com site. Significantly more data was transferred outside than is necessary to implement the declared functionality of add-ons for security checks (warning about opening malicious sites) and providing assistance when making online purchases (price comparison, provision of coupons, etc.).

For example, data was sent about opened URLs (with query parameters), operating system, user ID, locale, how to get to the page, referer, etc. Interestingly, on the website of Avast-owned company Jumpshot explicitly stated on the sale of data on user activity, suitable for analyzing their preferences when searching for and choosing certain products.

Source: opennet.ru

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