Project dehydrated changed owner

Lukas Schauer, developer dehydrated, a bash script to automate the receipt of SSL certificates through the service Let's Encrypt, accepted the offer on the sale of the project and the financing of its further work. The Austrian company became the new owner of the project Apilayer GmbH. The project has been moved to a new address The license remains the same (MIT).

A perfect deal will help guarantee the further development and maintenance of the project - Lucas is a student and after completing his studies it is not clear whether he will have time for the project. Apilayer explains the purchase of dehydrated by the desire to contribute to the support of open source projects and maintaining a positive reputation for its brand (the company wants to show that it not only consumes open source software in its cloud service, but also supports its development).

Lucas remains the maintainer and will keep all the levers of management and control over the development in his hands. Moreover, Lucas will now be able to devote more time to the development of dehydrated, which in recent months has been largely limited to maintenance. Among the immediate plans, the implementation of a new system for testing code is mentioned, which will ensure the absence of regressions and violations of compatibility with old systems, as well as monitor compliance with the standard. ACME (RFC-8555). Next, Lucas intends to improve the documentation.

Recall that the use of dehydrated is one of the easiest ways to organize the process of obtaining and renewing certificates through Let's Encrypt - just enter the necessary domains in the configuration file, create a directory WELLKNOWN in the web server tree and write the script in crontab, all other actions are performed automatically, without the need for manual user intervention. The script requires bash, openssl, curl, sed, grep, awk and mktemp, which are usually already included in the base distributions.


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