Proton 5.0

Proton 5.0

Good news for Linux gamers. Valve has unveiled a new version of Proton, a specialized Wine shell designed to run Windows games on Linux. Mainly used to launch games from Steam, but can also be used for other windows games.

Major changes:

  1. The new release is based on Wine version 5.0;

  2. Games that support Direct3D 9 will use Vulkan as the default engine;

  3. Improved support for games from the Steam library, especially those using Denuvo DRM protection;

  4. Updated DXVK to v1.5.4, and FAudio to 20.02;

  5. Improved support for surround sound in older games.

As of early February, reports 6502 games running successfully on Linux via Proton.


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