Fedora Developers Get Involved in Solving the Problem of Linux Hanging on Low RAM

The Linux operating system over the years has become no less quality and reliable than Windows and macOS. However, it still Yes a fundamental drawback associated with the inability to correctly process data when there is a shortage of RAM.

Fedora Developers Get Involved in Solving the Problem of Linux Hanging on Low RAM

On systems with a limited amount of RAM, a situation is often observed when the OS freezes and does not respond to commands. In this case, you can neither close programs nor free memory in any other way. This applies to systems with disabled swap and a small amount of RAM - about 4 GB. The issue was recently brought up again in community discussions. 

Fedora Developers connected to solve the problem, but so far everything is limited to discussing options for improving work in the near future. So far, there are no concrete solutions, although options are suggested to improve the control over the amount of available memory, optimize the systemd tools and run GNOME processes as user system services, or modify the OOM Killer to monitor the amount of available RAM.

I would like these features to be eventually implemented in the core of the system. However, this is not yet the case and it is not known when any decisions will be implemented. At the same time, at least the fact that the problem is being discussed is encouraging, and this time specialists from Red Hat have also joined in resolving the issue. This gives hope for a solution, at least in the relatively long term. 

Source: 3dnews.ru

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