Release of PyPy 7.3, a Python implementation written in Python

Formed project release PyPy 7.3, within which an implementation of the Python language written in Python is developed (using a statically typed subset RPython, Restricted Python). The release is prepared simultaneously for the PyPy2.7 and PyPy3.6 branches, which provide support for the syntax of Python 2.7 and Python 3.6. The release is available for Linux (x86, x86_64, PPC64, s390x, Aarch64, ARMv6 or ARMv7 with VFPv3), macOS (x86_64), OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and Windows (x86).

A feature of PyPy is the use of a JIT compiler that translates some elements into machine code on the fly, which makes it possible to provide tall performance level - when performing some operations, PyPy is several times faster than the classic implementation of Python in C (CPython). The price of high performance and the use of JIT compilation is higher memory consumption - the total memory consumption in complex and long-running processes (for example, when PyPy is compiled by PyPy itself) exceeds the consumption of CPython by one and a half to two times.

From the changes in the new release noted updating the CFFI 1.13.1 (C Foreign Function Interface) and cppyy 1.10.6 modules with the implementation of an interface for calling functions written in C and C++ (CFFI is recommended for interacting with C code, and cppyy for C++ code). New version of pyrepl package with interactive shell included REPL.
Optimized the performance of the code responsible for processing strings and manipulating Unicode.
For the Windows platform, support has been added for encoding and decoding different text encodings. Implemented support for OpenSSL 1.1 and TLS 1.3.


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