Airplane mode in Android 11 may stop blocking Bluetooth

There is an opinion that radio modules in smartphones can interfere with aircraft navigation systems, so mobile gadgets have a corresponding mode that allows you to block all wireless connections with one touch. However, in the next version of the Android software platform, Airplane Mode may turn into a smarter feature.

Airplane mode in Android 11 may stop blocking Bluetooth

Blocking all wireless connections at the same time can be annoying if you want to turn off cellular and Wi-Fi, but want to continue using Bluetooth to listen to music or watch videos. At the moment, you can configure which connections will be blocked in Airplane Mode using the Android developer tool Debug Bridge, but this option will not work for most ordinary users.

It is assumed that the next version of the Android software platform will be smart enough to understand when not to turn off Bluetooth when Airplane Mode is activated, while blocking cellular and Wi-Fi. Bluetooth can remain enabled when the A2DP profile is enabled, which is used by many wireless headphones and headsets for audio streaming. The second option, in which Bluetooth will not be blocked in Airplane Mode, involves using the Bluetooth Hearing Aid profile used by hearing aids.   

These innovations may appear in Android 11, which should be presented by developers next year. The ability to use Bluetooth on airplanes may not seem important, but it will be appreciated by users who take regular flights and use wireless headphones.


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