Wi-Fi network speed in the Moscow metro will increase to 200 Mbit/s

Within a year, the data transfer speed in the free Wi-Fi network of the capital's metro is planned to be increased to 200 Mbit/s. About this on your personal website сообщил Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Wi-Fi network speed in the Moscow metro will increase to 200 Mbit/s

According to the mayor, in 2019, the MT_FREE network deployed in metro cars provided free communications to 9,4 million unique users - passengers of the capital's subway. On average, about 2,3 million connections to the Wi-Fi network are recorded per day, while the volume of transmitted information reaches 92 terabytes.

The MT_FREE network is equipped with sections of 263 metro stations and the Moscow Central Circle (MCC). There are 1082 base stations installed in the tunnels for signal transmission, and the length of the laid cables exceeds 880 km. The total number of Wi-Fi points in subway cars is almost 6 thousand.

Wi-Fi network speed in the Moscow metro will increase to 200 Mbit/s

It is noted that the project to deploy a free Wi-Fi network on all metro lines was implemented through a public-private partnership. The Moscow government provided a 10-year incentive to create a wireless data network, and a private operator invested about $100 million.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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