Stadia version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be cross-platform play with PC

The Elder Scrolls Online from Zenimax Online next year should be released on Google Stadia. Announced that this version will support cross-platform play with PC (Windows and macOS).

Stadia version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be cross-platform play with PC

TES Online premiered on April 4, 2014 on PC. The next year, on June 9, the project reached the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According to the developers, from a technical point of view, cross-platform compatibility will be done in a similar way to how it works between versions on Steam and the Bethesda Launcher. Alas, the authors have not yet reported anything concrete about possible compatibility with console versions. Although they do not deny this possibility.

Stadia version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be cross-platform play with PC

This summer, creative director of the project Rich Lambert (Rich Lambert) stated that the development team is aware of the interest of users in cross-platform play, and hopes that someday they will be able to provide it between all platforms.

Stadia version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be cross-platform play with PC

To play TES Online, you only need to purchase the game, since Zenimax Online has abandoned the mandatory monthly subscription. Moreover, the purchase of the basic version (in Steam until December 3, it can be purchased with a 50% discount, for 399 rubles) - this is including full access to the downloadable The Morrowind Chapter add-on. If you wish, you can still subscribe to a paid subscription, for which you will receive accelerated pumping, additional in-game gold and monthly 1650 crowns (game currency).


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