The strategy of Plague Inc. there was a surge in player activity due to coronavirus in China

Strategy about creating viruses Plague Inc. began to gain popularity on Steam amid the spread of coronavirus in China. According to the Steamcharts service, from January 23 to January 26, the number of players quadrupled - from 4,5 to 17,8 thousand people.

The strategy of Plague Inc. there was a surge in player activity due to coronavirus in China

Due to the growing popularity of the game, the developers have released a special announcement. Studio Ndemic Creations called upon players do not seek knowledge about the effects and mechanisms of spread of viruses in the project, because the game is not a scientific model.

The strategy of Plague Inc. there was a surge in player activity due to coronavirus in China

"We ask you to remember that Plague Inc. is a game, not a scientific model. The recent coronavirus outbreak is a real situation that has already affected a large number of people. Therefore, we recommend that players obtain the necessary information directly from local and global health organizations,” the developers said.

In December 2019, China experienced an outbreak of an unknown coronavirus causing pneumonia of unknown origin. Due to the disease, Chinese authorities have blocked movement in 13 cities across the country. As of January 27, there are 56 dead and more than two thousand infected.


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