Audio Effects LSP Plugins 1.1.11 released

A new version of the LV2 effects pack has been released LSP Pluginsdesigned for sound processing when mixing and mastering audio recordings.

Changes in version 1.1.11 affected mainly the user interface and signal processing performance.

First of all, additional features have been added to the UI, such as drag&drop support, bookmarks, and other improvements.

On the other hand, the low-level DSP code has been further optimized using AVX and AVX2 instructions, which allows for additional performance headroom on processors with fast AVX implementation (all Intel Core 6 generation and above, AMD Zen and above architectures).

In addition, support for the AArch64 architecture has been improved, and some of the low-level DSP code has already been ported to this architecture. A number of additional optimizations of the DSP code for the 32-bit ARMv7 architecture were also carried out.

The project has become even more portable due to the fact that it implements its own mechanism for parsing XML documents - this made it possible to exclude the expat library from dependencies.

The full list of changes is available here:

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