Parrot 4.7 distribution release with a selection of security checkers

Took place distribution release Parrot 4.7, based on the Debian Testing package base and including a collection of tools for system security testing, forensic analysis and reverse engineering. For loading proposed three variants of iso images: with the MATE environment (full 4 GB and reduced 1.8 GB) and with the KDE desktop (1.9 GB).

The Parrot distribution is positioned as a portable lab environment for security experts and forensic scientists, focusing on tools for testing cloud systems and IoT devices. It also includes cryptographic tools and programs to provide secure access to the network, including TOR, I2P, anonsurf, gpg, tccf, zulucrypt, veracrypt, truecrypt and luks.

In the new release:

  • In connection with the upcoming plans to turn Parrot into a general purpose distribution (Parro Home edition is being prepared), not limited to security testing, it was decided to change the main project site from to;
  • The project is also preparing to create an LTS branch, which is why the current repository has been renamed from "stable" to "rolling" (for users, the transition is transparent and does not require manual changes);
  • Redesigned menu structure with utilities for security testing. Utilities are now separated using a hierarchical structure;
  • Added an optionally enabled mode for launching applications in isolation mode from the rest of the system (isolation is done through firejail and apparmor);
  • The MATE desktop has been updated to release 1.22. Updated software versions including Firefox, radare2, cutter, etc.

Parrot 4.7 distribution release with a selection of security checkers

Parrot 4.7 distribution release with a selection of security checkers


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