Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2 Released

Apache Software Foundation organizations presented integrated development environment Apache NetBeans 11.2. This is the fourth release by the Apache Foundation since the handover of the NetBeans code by Oracle, and the first release since Translation project from the incubator to Apache primary projects. The release includes support for the Java SE, Java EE, PHP, JavaScript, and Groovy programming languages. A port of C/C++ support from Oracle's committed codebase is expected in the 11.3 release scheduled for January. Apache NetBeans 2020 will be released in April 12 and will be maintained through the Extended Support Cycle (LTS).

All innovations NetBeans 11.2:

  • Added support JavaSE 13. For example added
    the ability to use "switch" in the form of an expression rather than an operator.
    Implemented highlighting and converting operations for text blocks that include multi-line text data without using character escaping in them and preserving the original text formatting. These features are currently marked as test and are activated only when building with the "--enable-preview" flag;

    Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2 Released
    Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2 Released

  • Added new features of the PHP language, developed in the 7.4 branch, the release of which is scheduled for November 28th. NetBeans has added handling of such innovations as typed properties, "??=" operator ("a ??= b" is the same as "a = a ?? b"), opportunity substitution of existing arrays when defining a new array (β€œβ€¦$var” operator), new mechanism object serialization (combination of Serializable and __sleep()/__wakeup()), opportunity visual design of large numbers (1_000_000_00) and new the format for defining functions is "fn(parameter_list) => expr" (for example, "fn($x) => $x + $y" is analogous to "$fn2 = function ($x) use ($y) { return $x + $ y;}").

    Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2 Released

  • Performance optimizations have been made: The speed of searching for binary files in the source tree has been increased. IN
    Linux and Windows to track changes in directories use the WatchService interface provided in the API Java NIO2. Accelerated definition of files with archives;

  • Improved support for the Gradle build system. Added the ability to load Java compiler flags, allowing Gradle projects to use experimental Java features ("it.options.compilerArgs.add('-enable-preview')"). Also added processing of user input in the tab that reflects the build progress (Output). When starting a Gradle Daemon background process, the org.gradle.jvmargs property is now taken into account;
  • Resolved licensing issues with the JavaScript parser code that previously required the parser to be installed separately. Parser now grail-js transferred from GPL to UPL (Universal Permissive License);
  • The installer has been improved to support custom installation of individual NetBeans components;
  • Application server support Payara updated before release Payara Platform 5.193;
  • Updated support for Amazon Beanstalk;
  • Added support for advanced attribute syntax in HTML5 used in Angular (for example, , and so on.)
  • The Welcome Screen has been removed from the links to the Oracle site (links to netbeans.org have been replaced with netbeans.apache.org).

Source: opennet.ru

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