Nuitka compiler release 0.6.6. End of support for Python 2.7 pushed back to April

Prepared project release Nuitka 0.6.6, within which a compiler is being developed that allows you to translate a Python script into a C ++ representation, which can then be compiled into an executable file using libpython to ensure maximum compatibility with CPython (standard CPython tools are used to manage objects). Fully compatible with current releases of Python 2.x and 3.x. Compared to CPython compiled scripts demonstrate 312% performance improvement in pystone tests. Project code spreads under the Apache license.

The new version adds experimental support for Python 3.8 and
provided compatibility with libraries and applications
sklearn, osgeo, gdal, dill, scikit-image, skimage, weasyprint, dask, pendulum, pytz and pytzdata. distutils adds support for single modules (py_modules, not just packages) and packages with separate namespaces. The work with variables in loops has been optimized and optimized versions of the built-in functions abs and all have been implemented, as well as the performance of operations with int and long types has been accelerated. Numerous improvements have been made to reduce memory consumption.

Additionally, it can be noted Transfer from january to april end of support Python 2 branches. In April 2020, the final final update of the Python 2.7 branch will be generated, after which there will be no correction releases. At the same time, work on eliminating vulnerabilities in Python 2.7 will be continued by community members interested in continuing to support this branch in their products. For example, Red Hat will continue maintaining packages with Python 2.7 throughout life cycle RHEL 6 and 7 distributions, and for RHEL 8 will generate package updates in the Application Stream until June 2024. Recall that the Python 2.7 branch was formed in 2010 and its support was originally planned to end in 2015, but due to insufficiently active When migrating projects to Python 3, the lifetime of Python 2 has been extended to 2020.


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