Explosions, disguises and music by Nobuo Uematsu in the new trailer for the remake of Final Fantasy VII

Square Enix has released a new trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake. Video publication date dedicated to the anniversary the original game, which went on sale on January 31, 1997.

Explosions, disguises and music by Nobuo Uematsu in the new trailer for the remake of Final Fantasy VII

A key feature of the nearly four-minute video is the game's main theme music, Hollow, by series composer Nobuo Uematsu, playing in the background.

The video itself showcases both familiar and new characters from the remake (such as the badass rebel Roche), a few bright and "explosive" story scenes, as well as fragments of battles.

Along with the trailer itself, Square Enix also released a video of the making of the trailer featuring Nobuo Uematsu and Yosh Morita of Survive Said The Prophet on vocals in Hollow.

Uematsu talked about the inspiration behind the song and why he wanted to see Morita as the vocalist. The musician, in turn, shared his emotions from participating in such a landmark project.

After recent transfer The first episode of Final Fantasy VII Remake is expected to release on April 10, 2020 on PS4. At the end of November 2019, Square Enix confirmed that it had already taken up development second edition.

Sony's Final Fantasy VII remake coming out of consoles after 12 months after the original release. However, where else the game will appear has not yet been announced, and until recently Square Enix vehemently denied the existence of project versions for other systems.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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