Yaxim's XMPP client is 10 years old

Developers yaxim, a free XMPP client for the platform Android, celebrate tenth anniversary of the project. Ten years ago, on August 23, 2009, it was committed first commit yaxim and this means that today this XMPP client is officially half the age of the protocol on which it works. Since those distant times, many changes have occurred both in XMPP itself and in the Android system.

2009: beginning

In 2009, the Android platform was still completely new and lacked a free IM client. There have been rumors and announcements, but no one has published working code yet. The first concrete hint was the presentation of German students Sven and Chris presenting their semester project YAXIM β€” Yet Another XMPP Instant Messenger.

They received several friendly letters, created a project on GitHub and continued writing code. At the end of the year, another one was shown at the 26C3 conference short presentation. The big problem with yaxim at the time was reliable message delivery, but things gradually improved.

Significant changes

In 2010, YAXIM was renamed yaxim to sound more like a name and less like a flashy acronym. In 2013 the project was created Bruno, like the little brother of yaxim, is an XMPP client for kids and anyone who loves animals. It currently has almost 2000 active users.

Also in 2013, an XMPP server was launched yax.im, mainly to make using yaxim and Bruno easier, but also to have a stable and reliable server suitable for mobile clients.

Finally, in 2016, yaxim received its current logo, an image of a yak.

Development dynamics

From day one, yaxim was a hobby project, with no commercial support and no permanent developers. Its code growth has been fairly slow over the years, with 2015 being a particularly slow year. Despite the fact that yaxim has more installations on Google Play than Conversions, the latter is said by some to be the main client on Android and is very popular among XMPP users. However, for at least the last three years there has been no decline in the number of devices with yaxim installed (Google doesn't provide statistics until 2016).

Current problems

The yaxim code base (Smack 3.x, ActionBarSherlock) is quite outdated and a lot of effort is currently being put into making yaxim look good on modern Android devices (material design) and support modern features such as interactive permission dialogs and battery saving, and also protocol Matrix (which the doesn't always work). Test versions with the latest developments are offered through beta channel on Google Play.

Source: opennet.ru

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