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What is GitOps?

Note transl.: After the recent publication of material about pull and push methods in GitOps, we saw interest in this model in general, but there were very few Russian-language publications on this topic (there are simply none on Habré). Therefore, we are pleased to offer to your attention a translation of another article - albeit almost a year ago! — from Weaveworks, head […]

Debian 10 "Buster" release

Members of the Debian community are pleased to announce the release of the next stable release of the Debian 10 operating system, codename buster. This release includes more than 57703 packages compiled for the following processor architectures: 32-bit PC (i386) and 64-bit PC (amd64) 64-bit ARM (arm64) ARM EABI (armel) ARMv7 (EABI hard-float ABI, armhf) MIPS (mips (big endian […]

How to Get the Most Out of Computer Science Education

Most modern programmers received their education at universities. Over time, this will change, but now things are such that good personnel in IT companies still come from universities. In this post, Stanislav Protasov, Acronis Director of University Relations, talks about his vision of the features of university training for future programmers. Teachers, students and those who employ them may even […]

Elea's space adventure is getting big updates and coming to PS4 soon

Soedesco Publishing and Kyodai Studio have decided to share news regarding the sci-fi adventure Elea, previously released on PC and Xbox One. Firstly, the surreal game will appear on PlayStation 25 on July 4. On this occasion, a story trailer is presented. The PS4 version will include all the updates and improvements made since its release on Xbox One and PC (including […]

The Snuffleupagus project develops a PHP module to block vulnerabilities

The Snuffleupagus project is developing a module for connecting to the PHP7 interpreter, designed to improve the security of the environment and block common errors that lead to vulnerabilities in running PHP applications. The module also allows you to create virtual patches to fix specific problems without changing the source code of the vulnerable application, which is convenient for use in mass hosting systems where […]

Chrome is developing a resource-intensive ad blocking mode

A new mode for blocking ads that consume too many system and network resources is being developed for the Chrome web browser. It is proposed to automatically unload iframe blocks with advertising if the code executed in them consumes more than 0.1% of the available bandwidth and 0.1% of CPU time (total and per minute). In absolute values, the limit is set at 4 MB of traffic and 60 seconds of processor time. […]

Sberbank technology took first place in testing facial recognition algorithms

VisionLabs, part of the Sberbank ecosystem, came out on top for the second time in testing facial recognition algorithms at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). VisionLabs technology won first place in the Mugshot category and entered the top 3 in the Visa category. In terms of recognition speed, its algorithm is twice as fast as similar solutions of other participants. During […]

Rust programming language 1.36 release

The release of the system programming language Rust 1.36, founded by the Mozilla project, has been published. The language focuses on safe memory management, provides automatic memory management, and provides the means to achieve high job parallelism while avoiding the use of a garbage collector and runtime. Rust's automatic memory management saves the developer from manipulating pointers and protects against issues that arise from […]

GNU GRUB 2.04 boot manager release

After two years of development, a stable release of the modular multi-platform boot manager GNU GRUB 2.04 (GRand Unified Bootloader) is presented. GRUB supports a wide range of platforms, including conventional PCs with BIOS, IEEE-1275 platforms (PowerPC/Sparc64-based hardware), EFI systems, RISC-V, MIPS-compatible Loongson 2E processor-based hardware, Itanium, ARM, ARM64 and ARCS (SGI), devices using the free CoreBoot package. Basic […]

Google Photos users will be able to tag people in photos

Lead Google Photos developer David Lieb, during a conversation with users on Twitter, revealed some details about the future of the popular service. Despite the fact that the purpose of the conversation was to collect feedback and suggestions, Mr. Lieb, answering questions, talked about what new functions will be added to Google Photos. It was announced that […]

Mozilla is testing a paid proxy service to browse sites without ads

Mozilla, as part of its paid services initiative, has begun testing a new product for Firefox that allows ad-free browsing and promotes an alternative way to finance content creation. The cost of using the service is $4.99 per month. The main idea is that users of the service are not shown advertising on websites, and content creation is financed through a paid subscription. […]

10M users install scam app to sell Samsung firmware updates

A fraudulent application, Updates for Samsung, has been identified in the Google Play catalog, which successfully sells access to Android updates for Samsung smartphones, which are initially distributed by Samsung companies for free. Despite the fact that the application is hosted by Updato, a company that has no connection with Samsung and is unknown to anyone, it has already gained more than 10 million installations, which once again confirms the assumption that […]