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KTT in server solutions - what does it look like?

Approximately like this. This is part of the fans that turned out to be redundant and were dismantled from twenty servers in a test rack located in the DataPro data center. Under the cut is traffic. Illustrated description of our cooling system. And an unexpected offer for very economical, but a little fearless owners of server hardware. The cooling system for server equipment based on loop heat pipes is considered as an alternative to […]

Carding and "black boxes": how ATMs are hacked today

Iron boxes with money standing on the streets of the city cannot but attract the attention of lovers of quick money. And if in the past purely physical methods were used to empty ATMs, now more and more skillful tricks related to computers are being used. Now the most relevant of them is the "black box" with a single-board microcomputer inside. About how he […]

It's time to replace GIF with AV1 video

It's 2019, and it's time for us to make a decision regarding GIF (no, this is not about this decision! We will never agree here! - we are talking about pronunciation in English, this is not relevant for us - approx. transl.). GIFs take up a huge amount of space (usually several megabytes!), which, if you are a web developer, is completely contrary to your desires! How […]

Reinforcement learning or evolutionary strategies? - Both

Hello, Habr! We don’t often decide to post here translations of texts that were two years old, without code and clearly of an academic nature - but today we’ll make an exception. We hope that the dilemma posed in the title of the article worries many of our readers, and you have already read the fundamental work on evolutionary strategies with which this post argues in the original or will read it now. Welcome to [...]

How was Love Kubernetes in Mail.ru Group on February 14

Hello friends. A summary of the previous series: we launched @Kubernetes Meetup in Mail.ru Group and almost immediately realized that we did not fit into the framework of a classic meetup. This is how Love Kubernetes appeared - special edition @Kubernetes Meetup #2 for Valentine's Day. To be honest, we were a little worried if you love Kubernetes enough to spend the evening of […]

How to Organize a Hackathon as a Student 101 Part Two

Hello again. This is a continuation of the article about organizing a student hackathon. This time I’ll tell you about the problems that appeared right during the hackathon and how we solved them, the local events that we added to the standard “code a lot and eat pizza” and some tips about what applications to use to most easily organize events of this scale. After that […]

Read datasheets 2: SPI on STM32; PWM, timers and interrupts on STM8

In the first part, I tried to tell hobby electronics engineers who have grown up from Arduino pants how and why they should read datasheets and other documentation for microcontrollers. The text turned out to be large, so I promised to show practical examples in a separate article. Well, I called myself a load... Today I will show you how to use datasheets to solve quite simple, but necessary for many projects […]

Marvin Minsky "The Emotion Machine": Chapter 8.1-2 "Creativity"

8.1 Creativity “Although such a machine could do many things as well and perhaps better than we can, it would certainly fail in others, and would be found to act not consciously, but only through the arrangement of its organs.” - Descartes. Reasoning about the method. 1637 We are accustomed to using machines that are stronger and faster than people. […]

Dark times are coming

Or what you should keep in mind when developing a dark mode for an application or website. 2018 showed that dark modes are on the way. Now that we're halfway through 2019, we can say with confidence: they're here, and they're everywhere. An example of an old green-on-black monitor Let's start with the fact that dark mode is not a new concept at all. It is used […]

Sysvinit 2.95

After several weeks of beta testing, the final release of SysV init, insserv and startpar was announced. Summary of key changes: SysV pidof has removed complex formatting as it caused security issues and potential memory errors without providing much benefit. Now the user can specify the separator himself, and use other tools such as tr. Documentation has been updated, [...]

Habr Weekly #5 / Dark themes are everywhere, Chinese factories in Russia, where bank bases have leaked, Pixel 4, ML pollutes the atmosphere

The latest episode of the Habr Weekly podcast has been released. We are happy for Ivan Golunov and discuss the posts published on Habré this week: Dark themes will become default. Or not? The Russian Minister of Communications suggested that the Chinese move production to Russia. The Russian government suggested that Huawei use the Aurora OS (ex-Sailfish) for its smartphones. Personal data of 900 thousand clients of OTP Bank, Alfa Bank and HKF Bank leaked to […]

sysvinit 2.95 init system release

The classic init system sysvinit 2.95 has been released, which was widely used in Linux distributions in the days before systemd and upstart, and now continues to be used in distributions such as Devuan and antiX. At the same time, releases of the insserv 1.20.0 and startpar 0.63 utilities used in conjunction with sysvinit were created. The insserv utility is designed to organize the download process, taking into account dependencies between […]