Linux 5.6 kernel adopts code supporting VPN WireGuard and MPTCP (MultiPath TCP) extension

Linus Torvalds accepted the into the repository in which the future branch of the Linux 5.6 kernel is being formed, patches with the implementation of the VPN interface from the project wire guard and initial expansion support MPTCP (MultiPath TCP). Cryptographic primitives previously required for WireGuard to work were carried over from the library Zinc as part of the regular Crypto API and included into the core 5.5. You can get acquainted with the features of WireGuard in last announcement including the WireGuard code in the net-next branch.

MPTCP is an extension of the TCP protocol that allows you to organize the operation of a TCP connection with the delivery of packets simultaneously along several routes through different network interfaces bound to different IP addresses. For network applications, such an aggregated connection looks like a regular TCP connection, all the flow separation logic is performed by MPTCP. Multipath TCP can be used to both increase bandwidth and increase reliability. For example, MPTCP can be used to organize data transfer on a smartphone using both WiFi and 3G links, or to reduce costs by connecting a server using several cheap links instead of one expensive one.


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