The Rolling Rhino Remix Project develops a continuously updated build of Ubuntu

The first release of a new unofficial edition of Ubuntu Linux has been presented - Rolling Rhino Remix, which implements a model of continuous update delivery (rolling releases). The edition may be useful for advanced users or developers who need to keep abreast of all changes or who want access to the latest versions of programs. Unlike existing scripts for converting daily experimental builds into something like rolling releases, the Rolling Rhino Remix project provides ready-made installation images (3.2 GB) that allow you to immediately get a rolling system without copying and running external scripts.

Changes from regular Ubuntu test builds mainly come down to the inclusion of devel branches of repositories, which build packages with new versions of applications transferred from the Debian Sid and Unstable branches. To install updates, a separate rhino utility is offered, which is a framework for installing updates that replaces the β€œapt update” and β€œapt upgrade” commands. The utility is also used to initially configure repositories in the /etc/apt/sources.list file after installation. As for iso images, they are repackaging of Ubuntu Daily Build test builds that are generated daily.


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