GNOME OS Builds for Real Hardware Initiative

At the GUADEC 2020 conference, reportdedicated to the development of the project "GNOME-OSΒ«. Initially hatched plans to develop "GNOME OS" as a platform for building an OS have now been transformed into considering "GNOME OS" as a build that can be used to perform continuous integration, simplify testing of applications in the GNOME codebase being developed for the next release, evaluate development progress, checking compatibility with equipment and experimenting with the user interface.

Until recently "GNOME OS" builds were designed to run in virtual machines. The new initiative is related to work to ensure the use of "GNOME OS" on real hardware. New builds are being developed for x86_64 and ARM systems (Pinebook Pro, Rock 64, Raspberry Pi 4). Compared to builds for virtual machines, added the ability to boot on systems with UEFI, power management tools, support for printing, Bluetooth, WiFi, sound cards, microphone, touch screens, graphics cards and webcams. Added missing Flatpak portals for GTK+. Prepared Flatpak packages for application development (GNOME Builder + SDK).

To form the system stuffing in GNOME OS, the system is involved OSTree (the system image is atomically updated from a Git-like repository), similar to projects Fedora Silverblue ΠΈ Endless OS. Initialization is done with Systemd. The graphical environment is based on the Mesa, Wayland and XWayland drivers. To install additional applications, it is suggested to use Flatpak. Involved as an installer Endless OS installer on the base GNOME Initial Setup.


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