Author: ProHoster

What you need to know about memory trainers

Who among us would not like to learn faster and remember new information on the fly? Researchers have linked strong cognitive abilities to a variety of factors. They determine not only the ability to remember, but also a quality life - here is a successful career, active socialization and the opportunity to simply have fun spending your free time. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a photographic memory, but this […]

Service Level Objectives - Google Experience (Google SRE book chapter translation)

SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) is an approach to ensuring the availability of web projects. It is considered a framework for DevOps and talks about how to achieve success in applying DevOps practices. This article is a translation of Chapter 4 Service Level Objectives of the book Site Reliability Engineering from Google. I prepared this translation myself and relied on my own experience in understanding monitoring processes. In the telegram channel monitorim_it and the past […]

Hello Seryoga. Part 0

What, you came to have fun? Do you think I’ll tell you about the future, technology, proper cleaning of the table and all that cool stuff from 2020? Any news about drones, virtual reality, clothes made of nanofibers and other delights of life in the future? Will I bring back the realization that every day life is getting cooler and cooler? Sorry, that's not what we're talking about today. Remind you […]

So that the boys were not ashamed to show

I’m old and already stupid, but you have everything ahead, dear programmer. But let me give you one piece of advice that will certainly help in your career - if, of course, you plan to remain a programmer. Tips like “write beautiful code”, “comment well on your improvements”, “study modern frameworks” are very useful, but, alas, secondary. They follow the main quality [...]

New book by Brian Di Foy: "Mojolicious Web Clients"

The book will be useful to programmers and system administrators. To read it, it is enough to know the basics of Perl. Once you master it, you'll have a powerful and expressive tool that will help you simplify your everyday tasks. The book covers: HTTP Basics Parsing JSON Parsing XML and HTML CSS selectors Making HTTP requests directly, authenticating and working with cookies Making non-blocking requests Promises Writing one-liners […]

wZD 1.0.0 released - file storage and checkout server

The first version of a data storage server with protocol access has been released, designed to solve the problem of a large number of small files on file systems, including cluster ones. Some features: multithreading; multiserver, providing fault tolerance and load balancing; maximum transparency for the user or developer; supported HTTP methods: GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE; control of reading and writing behavior via client […]

A Red Hat employee introduced the Goals build system. Release of GNU Make 4.2

Richard WM Jones, the author of libguestfs working at Red Hat, has introduced a new build utility, Goals, aimed at eliminating shortcomings and problems in the make utility while maintaining the overall simplicity and understandability of scripts. The make utility was designed in 1976 and has a number of conceptual shortcomings; Goals plans to eliminate these shortcomings without changing the general concept. Original […]

Facebook continues to develop a dark mode for its mobile application

Over the past few years, dark mode has become a very popular feature that many large companies integrate into their software products. According to the developers, dark mode saves the device’s battery power and also has a less negative impact on users’ eyes when interacting with the gadget at night. Now, reports have appeared on the Internet that [...]

New versions of the Linux kernel will receive a Samsung exFAT driver update

For Linux 5.4 there is a Microsoft exFAT file system driver. However, it is based on an old version of Samsung code. At the same time, the developers of the South Korean company are creating a more modern version that can replace the existing driver in a future build of Linux 5.6. Based on available data, the new code involves more operations with metadata and includes several bug fixes. So far he […]