Author: ProHoster

Why learn Java and how to do it effectively. Yandex report

How is Java different from other popular languages? Why should Java be the first language to learn? Let's create a plan that will help you learn Java both from scratch and by applying programming skills in other languages. Let's list the differences between creating production code in Java and developing in other languages. Mikhail Zatepyakin read this report at a meeting for […]

Back to the future: how modern gaming was imagined in 2010

The week before 2020 is the time to take stock. And not a year, but a whole decade. Let's remember how the world imagined the modern gaming industry in 2010. Who was right and who was too dreamy? The revolution of augmented and virtual reality, the mass distribution of 3D monitors and other ideas about what the modern gaming industry should have looked like. The beauty of far-reaching assumptions […]

What do you remember about 2019 in development?

New Year is getting closer. Only the lazy did not write about the trends of 2020, and we decided to record the most significant events from the outgoing year - 2019. Keep the TOP 7 events in the world of development from the Java and Frontend practices of the Reksoft development center in Voronezh. Source So, here is our rating of significant events of 2019: 1. The Nginx and Rambler case […]

The main technologies of the decade according to Habr

The Habr team has compiled a rating of 10 technologies and devices that have changed the world and influenced our lives. There are still about 30 cool things left outside the top ten - about them briefly at the end of the post. But most importantly, we want the entire community to participate in the ranking. We suggest evaluating these 10 technologies the way you want [...]

Derpibooru is now free software: opening Philomena and Booru-on-Rails

Derpibooru is the largest My Little Pony fan community image board in the world, serving hundreds of thousands of users for nine years in a row. Until recently, the resource used the proprietary Booru-on-Rails engine, which was built on the Ruby on Rails and MongoDB framework. But now the site has moved to the Philomena engine, written in Elixir using the Phoenix framework, Elasticsearch and PostgreSQL. […]

Dream corporate: how to organize an event

Ah, this wonderful New Year's time. The time of annual reports, pressing deadlines, feverish bustle and flashing lights that can cause an attack of epilepsy even in a healthy person. It's the season of corporate events and a fresh crop of articles with tips on how to have exemplary fun and not embarrass yourself. A period of throwing away money on activities that have no long-term benefits and few […]

9 years Mojolicious! Holiday release 8.28 with async/await!

Mojolicious is a modern web framework written in Perl. Mojo is a sister project to develop a set of tools for the framework. Modules of the Mojo::* family are widely used in third-party projects. Sample code: use Mojo::Base -strict, -async; async sub hello_p { return 'Hello Mojo!'; } hello_p()->then(sub { say @_ })->wait; More examples in the documentation. Perlfoundation previously provided a grant for the development of the Future::AsyncAwait module. Some […]

dark table 3.0.0

Since the previous version, almost 3000 commits have been made, 553 pull requests have been accepted, and 66 issues have been fixed. Main changes: Threads have been moved from the POSIX implementation to OpenMP. Large-scale code cleanup. Collaboration with the LLVM project continues. Optimizing file reading performance for Sony ARW2, Panasonic V5, Phase One, Nikon, Pentax, Canon. Complete redesign of the interface and transition to GTK/CSS. Of the available topics on […]

Release of open billing system ABillS 0.82

A release of the open billing system ABillS 0.82 is available, the components of which are supplied under the GPLv2 license. New features: Android application ABillS Lite has been created Internet+ module Added an option that allows duplicating CPE MAC Work with Service ID has been added to the linkupdown script Work with multiservices of subscribers has been added to the linkupdown script Manual activation for negative sessions Creation of pools for quick authorization [...]

Western Digital has published a specialized Zonefs file system for zoned drives

The director of software development at Western Digital proposed a new file system, Zonefs, on the Linux kernel developer mailing list, aimed at simplifying low-level work with zoned storage devices. Zonefs associates each zone on a drive with a separate file that can be used to store data in raw mode without sector- and block-level manipulation. Zonefs is not POSIX compliant […]

nDPI 3.0 Deep Packet Inspection available

The ntop project, which develops tools for capturing and analyzing traffic, has published a release of the nDPI 3.0 Deep Packet Inspection Toolkit, which continues the development of the OpenDPI library. The nDPI project was founded after an unsuccessful attempt to commit changes to the OpenDPI repository, which was left unmaintained. The nDPI code is written in C and distributed under the LGPLv3 license. The project allows you to determine the protocols used in traffic […]