Author: ProHoster

Update for Intel Cloud Hypervisor 0.3 and Amazon Firecracker 0.19 written in Rust

Intel has published a new version of the Cloud Hypervisor 0.3 hypervisor. The hypervisor is built on the basis of components of the joint Rust-VMM project, in which, in addition to Intel, Alibaba, Amazon, Google and Red Hat also participate. Rust-VMM is written in the Rust language and allows you to create task-specific hypervisors. Cloud Hypervisor is one such hypervisor that provides a high-level monitor of virtual […]

Epic Games sues tester over Fortnite chapter XNUMX leak

Epic Games has filed a lawsuit against tester Ronald Sykes over data leaks about the second chapter of Fortnite. He was accused of violating a non-disclosure agreement and disclosing trade secrets. Journalists from Polygon received a copy of the statement of claim. In it, Epic Games claims that Sykes played the new chapter of the shooter in September, after which he revealed the series […]

An enthusiast showed what the original Half-Life looks like using ray tracing

A developer with the nickname Vect0R showed what Half-Life could look like using real-time ray tracing technology. He published a video demonstration on his YouTube channel. Vect0R said he spent about four months creating the demo. In the process, he used developments from Quake 2 RTX. He also clarified that this video has nothing to do with [...]

Google search engine will better understand natural language queries

The Google search engine is one of the most popular and widely used tools for finding the information you need and answering various questions. The search engine is used all over the world, providing users with the ability to quickly find the necessary data. That's why Google's development team is constantly working to improve its own search engine. Currently, every request is perceived by the Google search engine as [...]

Microsoft leak shows Windows 10X coming to laptops

Microsoft appears to have accidentally published an internal document regarding the upcoming Windows 10X operating system. Spotted by WalkingCat, the piece was briefly available online and provides more details about Microsoft's plans for Windows 10X. The software giant initially introduced Windows 10X as the operating system that will power the new Surface Duo and Neo devices, but it will […]

Experience in creating the first robot on Arduino (robot-"hunter")

Hello. In this article I want to describe the process of assembling my first robot using Arduino. The material will be useful to other beginners like me who want to make some kind of “self-running cart.” The article is a description of the stages of working with my additions on various nuances. A link to the final code (most likely not the most ideal) is given at the end of the article. […]

Author's course on teaching Arduino for your own son

Hello! Last winter, on the pages of Habr, I talked about creating a “hunter” robot using Arduino. I worked on this project with my son, although, in fact, 95% of the entire development was left to me. We completed the robot (and, by the way, already disassembled it), but after that a new task arose: how to teach a child robotics on a more systematic basis? Yes, interest after the completed project […]

Belokamentsev's shorts

Recently, quite by accident, at the suggestion of one good person, an idea was born - to attach a brief summary to each article. Not an abstract, not an enticement, but a summary. Such that you can not read the article at all. I tried it and really liked it. But it doesn’t matter - the main thing is that the readers liked it. Those who had long ago stopped reading began to return, branding […]

Turning on telemetry in GitLab is delayed

After a recent attempt to enable telemetry, GitLab expectedly faced a negative reaction from users. This forced us to temporarily cancel the changes to the user agreement and take a break to search for a compromise solution. GitLab has promised not to enable telemetry in the cloud service and self-contained editions for now. Additionally, GitLab intends to first discuss future rule changes with the community […]

MX Linux Release 19

MX Linux 19 (patito feo), based on the Debian package base, was released. Among the innovations: the package database has been updated to Debian 10 (buster) with a number of packages borrowed from the antiX and MX repositories; Xfce desktop has been updated to version 4.14; Linux kernel 4.19; updated applications, incl. GIMP 2.10.12, Mesa 18.3.6, VLC 3.0.8, Clementine 1.3.1, Thunderbird 60.9.0, LibreOffice […]

Overview of cheap VPS servers

Instead of a preface or how it happened that this article appeared, which tells why and why this testing was carried out. It is useful to have a small VPS server on hand, on which it will be convenient to test some things. Usually it is required that it is also available around the clock. To do this, you need uninterrupted operation of the equipment and a white IP address. At home, sometimes […]

Why traditional antiviruses are not suitable for public clouds. And what to do?

More and more users are bringing their entire IT infrastructure to the public cloud. However, if anti-virus control is insufficient in the customer’s infrastructure, serious cyber risks arise. Practice shows that up to 80% of existing viruses live perfectly in a virtual environment. In this post we will talk about how to protect IT resources in the public cloud and why traditional antiviruses are not entirely suitable for these […]