Author: ProHoster

South Korea hopes to find alternative sources of graphite supply if problems arise with China

Yesterday it became known that from December 1, the Chinese authorities will introduce a special control regime over the export of so-called “dual-use” graphite in order to protect national security interests. In practice, this may mean that problems with graphite supplies may arise in the United States, Japan, India and South Korea. The authorities of the latter country are convinced that they can find an alternative [...]

American officials believe sanctions can deprive China of its ability to produce advanced chips

This week's changes to U.S. export controls are intended to further limit the supply of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, and industry experts believe they will restrict Chinese manufacturers from making 28nm products. The US Deputy Secretary of Commerce is convinced that new sanctions will sooner or later undermine China's progress in the field of lithography. Image source: Samsung ElectronicsSource:

Distribution of malware through advertising of a domain indistinguishable from the KeePass project domain

Researchers from Malwarebytes Labs have identified the promotion of a fake website for the free password manager KeePass, which distributes malware, through the Google advertising network. A peculiarity of the attack was the use by the attackers of the “ķ” domain, which at first glance is indistinguishable in spelling from the official domain of the “” project. When searching for the keyword “keepass” on Google, the ad for the fake site was placed in first place, before […]

MITM attack on JABBER.RU and XMPP.RU

Interception of TLS connections with encryption of the instant messaging protocol XMPP (Jabber) (Man-in-the-Middle attack) was detected on the servers of the service (aka on hosting providers Hetzner and Linode in Germany. The attacker issued several new TLS certificates using the Let's Encrypt service, which were used to intercept encrypted STARTTLS connections on port 5222 using a transparent MiTM proxy. The attack was discovered due to [...]

KDE Plasma 6.0 is scheduled for release on February 28, 2024

The release schedule for the KDE Frameworks 6.0 libraries, the Plasma 6.0 desktop environment and the Gear suite of applications with Qt 6 has been published. Release schedule: November 8: alpha version; November 29: first beta version; December 20: second beta; January 10: First preview release; January 31: second preview; February 21: final versions sent to distribution kits; February 28: full release of Frameworks […]

Interception of encrypted traffic and recorded

The administrator of the Jabber server ( identified an attack to decrypt user traffic (MITM), carried out over a period of 90 days to 6 months in the networks of German hosting providers Hetzner and Linode, which host the project server and auxiliary VPS. environment. The attack is organized by redirecting traffic to a transit node that replaces the TLS certificate for XMPP connections encrypted using the STARTTLS extension. The attack was noticed […]

Rating of weak passwords used by administrators

Security researchers from Outpost24 have published the results of an analysis of the strength of passwords used by IT system administrators. The study examined accounts present in the database of the Threat Compass service, which collects information about password leaks that occurred as a result of malware activity and hacks. In total, we managed to assemble a collection of more than 1.8 million passwords recovered from hashes associated with administration interfaces […]

SoftBank tested 5G communications in Rwanda based on the stratospheric HAPS platform

SoftBank has tested technology in Rwanda that allows it to provide 5G communications to smartphone users without classic base stations. Solar-powered stratospheric drones (HAPS) were deployed, the company said. The project was implemented jointly with local authorities and started on September 24, 2023. The companies successfully tested the operation of 5G equipment in the stratosphere, communication equipment was launched to an altitude of up to 16,9 km, […]

25 years

25 years ago, in October 1998, the domain was registered. Please write in the comments what you would like to change on the site, what is missing and what functions should be further developed. Ideas for development are also interesting, as are little things that I would like to change, for example, interfering usability problems and bugs. In addition to the traditional survey, I would like to additionally note [...]

Geany 2.0 IDE available

The release of the Geany 2.0 project has been published, developing a compact and fast code editing environment that uses a minimum number of dependencies and is not tied to the features of individual user environments, such as KDE or GNOME. Building Geany requires only the GTK library and its dependencies (Pango, Glib and ATK). The project code is distributed under the GPLv2+ license and written in C […]