Rating of weak passwords used by administrators

Security researchers from Outpost24 have published the results of an analysis of the strength of passwords used by IT system administrators. The study examined accounts present in the database of the Threat Compass service, which collects information about password leaks that occurred as a result of malware activity and hacks. In total, we managed to assemble a collection of more than 1.8 million passwords recovered from hashes associated with administration interfaces (Admin portal).

The study showed that not only ordinary users, but also administrators tend to choose predictable passwords. For example, the most popular password, which was mentioned in the collected database more than 40 thousand times, was the password β€œadmin”. The popularity of this password is also explained by its use as the default password on some devices, the developers of which assume that the administrator will use the standard password for initial setup and then change it.

20 passwords most popular with administrators: Admin 123456 12345678 1234 Password 123 12345 admin123 123456789 adminisp Demo Root 123123 Admin@123 123456aa@01031974 Admin@123 111111 AD AD min1234

Source: opennet.ru

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