Author: ProHoster

LibreSSL 3.7.0 Cryptographic Library Release

The developers of the OpenBSD project have released LibreSSL 3.7.0 portable edition, which develops a fork of OpenSSL aimed at providing a higher level of security. The LibreSSL project is focused on high-quality support for SSL / TLS protocols with the removal of unnecessary functionality, the addition of additional security features and a significant cleaning and reworking of the code base. The release of LibreSSL 3.7.0 is considered experimental, […]

Firefox 108 release

The Firefox 108 web browser has been released. In addition, a long-term support branch update has been created - 102.6.0. The Firefox 109 branch will soon be transferred to the beta testing stage, the release of which is scheduled for January 17. The main innovations in Firefox 108: Added the Shift+ESC keyboard shortcut to quickly open the process manager page (about:processes), allowing you to evaluate which processes and internal […]

Git 2.39 source control release

After two months of development, the distributed source control system Git 2.39 has been released. Git is one of the most popular, reliable, and high-performance version control systems that provides flexible non-linear development tools based on branching and merging branches. To ensure the integrity of the history and resistance to changes "backdating", implicit hashing of the entire previous history in each commit is used, […]

Mobile platform /e/OS 1.6 is available, developed by the creator of Mandrake Linux

The release of the mobile platform /e/OS 1.6, aimed at preserving the confidentiality of user data, has been introduced. The platform was founded by Gaël Duval, creator of the Mandrake Linux distribution. The project provides firmware for many popular smartphone models, and under the Murena One, Murena Fairphone 3+/4 and Murena Galaxy S9 brands, offers editions of OnePlus One, Fairphone 3+/4 and Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphones with […]

Release of OpenNMT-tf 2.30 machine translation system

The release of the machine translation system OpenNMT-tf 2.30.0 (Open Neural Machine Translation), which uses machine learning methods, has been published. The code of the modules developed by the OpenNMT-tf project is written in Python, uses the TensorFlow library and is distributed under the MIT license. In parallel, a variant of OpenNMT is being developed based on the PyTorch library, which differs in the level of supported features. In addition, PyTorch-based OpenNMT is touted as more […]

Chrome offers modes to save memory and energy. Delayed shutdown of the second version of the manifest

Google has announced the implementation of memory and energy saving modes (Memory Saver and Energy Saver) in the Chrome browser, which they plan to bring to users of Chrome for Windows, macOS and ChromeOS within a few weeks. The memory saving mode allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of RAM by freeing up the memory occupied by inactive tabs, which allows you to provide the necessary […]

Update of Sevimon, video monitoring software for facial muscle tension

Version 0.1 of the Sevimon program has been released, designed to help control facial muscle tension through a video camera. The program can be used to eliminate stress, indirectly affect mood and, with long-term use, prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles. The CenterFace library is used to determine the position of a face in a video. The sevimon code is written in Python using PyTorch and is licensed […]

Fedora 38 is scheduled to form official builds with the Budgie desktop

Joshua Strobl, a key developer of the Budgie project, has published a proposal to begin the formation of official Spin builds of Fedora Linux with the Budgie user environment. The Budgie SIG has been founded to maintain packages with Budgie and formulate new builds. The Spin edition of Fedora with Budgie is planned to be delivered starting with the release of Fedora Linux 38. The proposal has not yet been reviewed by the FESCo committee (Fedora Engineering Steering […]

Linux 6.1 kernel release

After two months of development, Linus Torvalds has released the Linux 6.1 kernel. Among the most noticeable changes: support for the development of drivers and modules in the Rust language, modernization of the mechanism for determining the used memory pages, a special memory manager for BPF programs, the KMSAN memory problem diagnostic system, the KCFI (Kernelk Control-Flow Integrity) protection mechanism, the introduction of the Maple structure tree. The new version adopted 15115 […]

Exploits for 2 new vulnerabilities demonstrated at Pwn63Own competition in Toronto

The results of the four days of the Pwn2Own Toronto 2022 competition have been summed up, during which 63 previously unknown vulnerabilities (0-day) in mobile devices, printers, smart speakers, storage systems and routers were demonstrated. The attacks used the latest firmware and operating systems with all available updates and in the default configuration. The total amount of remuneration paid was 934,750 US dollars. IN […]

Release of free video editor OpenShot 3.0

After more than a year of development, the release of the free non-linear video editing system OpenShot 3.0.0 has been published. The project code is licensed under GPLv3: the interface is written in Python and PyQt5, the video processing core (libopenshot) is written in C++ and uses the capabilities of the FFmpeg package, the interactive timeline is written using HTML5, JavaScript and AngularJS. Ready assemblies are prepared for Linux (AppImage), Windows and macOS. […]

Android TV platform 13 available

Four months after the publication of the Android 13 mobile platform, Google has formed an edition for smart TVs and set-top boxes Android TV 13. The platform is currently offered only for testing by application developers - ready-made builds are prepared for the Google ADT-3 set-top box and the Android Emulator for TV emulator. Publication of firmware updates for consumer devices such as the Google Chromecast is expected […]