Author: ProHoster

Release of Polemarch 2.1, a web interface for Ansible

Polemarch 2.1.0, a web interface for managing server infrastructure based on Ansible, has been released. The project code is written in Python and JavaScript using the Django and Celery frameworks. The project is distributed under the AGPLv3 license. To start the system, it is enough to install the package and start 1 service. For industrial use, it is recommended to additionally use MySQL/PostgreSQL and Redis/RabbitMQ+Redis (cache and MQ broker). For […]

FreeBSD adds support for the Netlink protocol used in the Linux kernel

The FreeBSD codebase adopts an implementation of the Netlink communication protocol (RFC 3549), which is used in Linux to organize interaction between the kernel and processes in user space. The project is limited to supporting the NETLINK_ROUTE family of operations for managing the state of the networking subsystem in the kernel. In its current form, the Netlink support layer allows FreeBSD to use the ip Linux utility from the iproute2 package to manage network interfaces, […]

The prototype of the ALP platform going on change of SUSE Linux Enterprise is published

SUSE has published the first prototype of the ALP (Adaptable Linux Platform), positioned as a continuation of the development of the SUSE Linux Enterprise distribution. The key difference of the new system is the division of the distribution's core framework into two parts: a stripped-down "host OS" for running on top of the hardware and an application support layer focused on running in containers and virtual machines. The assemblies are prepared for the x86_64 architecture. […]

OpenSSH 9.1 release

After six months of development, the release of OpenSSH 9.1, an open implementation of the client and server for working over the SSH 2.0 and SFTP protocols, has been published. The release is characterized as containing mostly bug fixes, including several potential memory vulnerabilities: Single-byte overflow in the SSH banner handling code in the ssh-keyscan utility. Double calling the free() function […]

NVK, an open-source Vulkan driver for NVIDIA graphics cards, has been unveiled

Collabora has released NVK, a new open source driver for Mesa implementing the Vulkan graphics API for NVIDIA graphics cards. The driver is written from scratch using official header files and open kernel modules published by NVIDIA. The driver code is open source under the MIT license. The driver only supports GPUs based on Turing and Ampere microarchitectures released since September 2018. Project […]

Firefox Update 105.0.2

A correction release of Firefox 105.0.2 is available that fixes several bugs: Fixed an issue with low contrast display of menu items (white on gray background) when using some skins on Linux. Fixed a deadlock that occurred when loading some sites in safe mode (Troubleshoot). Fixed a bug that caused the 'appearance' CSS property to dynamically change incorrectly (e.g. ' = 'textfield''). Fixed […]

Git 2.38 source control release

The release of the distributed source control system Git 2.38 is introduced. Git is one of the most popular, reliable, and high-performance version control systems that provides flexible non-linear development tools based on branching and merging branches. To ensure the integrity of the history and resistance to changes "backdating" implicit hashing of the entire previous history in each commit is used, […]

COSMIC user environment will use Iced instead of GTK

Michael Aaron Murphy, Pop!_OS distribution lead and contributor to the Redox operating system, spoke about working on a new edition of the COSMIC user environment. COSMIC is being transformed into a self-contained project that does not use GNOME Shell and is developed in Rust. The environment is planned to be used in the Pop!_OS distribution, which is pre-installed on laptops and PCs from System76. It is noted that after a long […]

Linux 6.1 kernel changes to support Rust language

Linus Torvalds has accepted changes into the Linux 6.1 kernel branch to allow Rust to be used as a second language for developing drivers and kernel modules. The patches have been accepted after a year and a half of testing in the linux-next branch and fixing the comments made. Kernel 6.1 release is expected in December. The main motive behind Rust's support is to make it easier to write safe and quality drivers […]

The Postgres WASM project has prepared a browser-based environment with the PostgreSQL DBMS

The developments of the Postgres WASM project, which develops an environment with the PostgreSQL DBMS, working inside the browser, are open. The code associated with the project is open source under the MIT license. A toolkit is proposed for building a virtual machine running in a browser with a stripped-down Linux environment, a PostgreSQL 14.5 server and related utilities (psql, pg_dump). The size of the final assembly is about 30 MB. The filling of the virtual machine is formed using buildroot scripts […]

Release of IceWM 3.0.0 window manager with tab support

The lightweight window manager IceWM 3.0.0 is now available. IceWM provides full control through keyboard shortcuts, the ability to use virtual desktops, the taskbar and application menus. The window manager is configured through a fairly simple configuration file, it is possible to use themes. Built-in applets are available for monitoring CPU, memory, traffic. Separately, several third-party GUIs are being developed for customization, desktop implementations, and editors […]

Release of the free planetarium Stellarium 1.0

After 20 years of development, the Stellarium 1.0 project was released, developing a free planetarium for three-dimensional navigation through the starry sky. The basic catalog of celestial objects contains more than 600 thousand stars and 80 thousand deep sky objects (additional catalogs cover more than 177 million stars and more than a million deep sky objects), and also includes information about constellations and nebulae. Code […]