Author: ProHoster

Paid distribution of LibreOffice through the Mac App Store has begun

The Document Foundation announced the start of distribution through the Mac App Store catalog of paid builds of the free LibreOffice office suite for the macOS platform. The cost of downloading LibreOffice from the Mac App Store is 8.99 euros, while builds for macOS can also be downloaded from the project's official website for free. It is alleged that the funds raised from the paid supply will […]

Firefox 105 release

The Firefox 105 web browser has been released. In addition, an update to the long-term support branch, 102.3.0, has been formed. The Firefox 106 branch has been moved to the beta testing stage and is scheduled for release on October 18th. Major new features in Firefox 105: An option has been added to the print preview dialog to print only the current page. Implemented support for partitioned Service Workers in […]

The PyTorch project came under the wing of the Linux Foundation

The company Facebook (banned in the Russian Federation) transferred the PyTorch machine learning framework under the auspices of the Linux Foundation, whose infrastructure and services will be used in further development. Moving under the wing of the Linux Foundation will relieve the project from dependence on a separate commercial company and simplify collaboration with the involvement of third-party participants. To develop PyTorch under the auspices of the Linux Foundation, the PyTorch […]

Facebook open source framework to detect memory leaks in JavaScript

The Facebook company (banned in the Russian Federation) has opened the source texts of the memlab toolkit, designed to analyze slices of the state of dynamically allocated memory (heap), determine a strategy for optimizing work with memory and detect memory leaks that occur when executing JavaScript code. The code is open source under the MIT license. The framework was created to analyze the causes of high memory consumption when working with websites and […]

Floorp 10.5.0 web browser available

The release of the Floorp 10.5.0 web browser, developed by a group of Japanese students, combines the Firefox engine with Chrome-style features and interface. Of the features of the project is also called concern for user privacy and the ability to customize the interface to your liking. The project code is distributed under the MPL 2.0 license. Builds prepared for Windows, Linux and macOS. In the new release: Added experimental […]

GStreamer implements the ability to supply plugins written in Rust

The GStreamer multimedia framework implements the ability to ship plug-ins written in the Rust programming language as part of official binary releases. Nirbheek Chauhan, who contributes to GNOME and GStreamer, has proposed a patch for GStreamer that builds the Cargo-C recipes needed to ship the Rust plugins in the GStreamer core. Rust support is currently implemented for […]

Chrome leaked passwords from hidden input preview fields

Chrome Browser has an issue with sending sensitive data to Google's servers when Enhanced Spell Checker mode is enabled, which involves checking using an external service. The issue also occurs in the Edge browser when using the Microsoft Editor add-on. It turned out that the text for verification is transmitted, among other things, from input forms containing confidential data, including […]

DeepMind open code S6, libraries with JIT compiler implementation for CPython

DeepMind, known for its developments in the field of artificial intelligence, has open sourced the S6 project, which developed a JIT compiler for the Python language. The project is interesting because it is designed as an extension library that can be integrated with standard CPython, which provides full compatibility with CPython and does not require modification of the interpreter code. The project has been developing since 2019, but unfortunately it was curtailed and is no longer developing. […]

Release of WebKitGTK 2.38.0 browser engine and Epiphany 43 web browser

The release of the new stable branch WebKitGTK 2.38.0, a port of the WebKit browser engine for the GTK platform, has been introduced. WebKitGTK allows you to use all the features of WebKit through a GNOME-based GObject-based API and can be used to integrate web content processing tools into any application, from use in specialized HTML/CSS parsers to building full-featured web browsers. Of the well-known projects using WebKitGTK, one can note the regular […]

Ubuntu 22.10 Intends to Support Cheap Sipeed LicheeRV RISC-V Board

Canonical engineers are working on adding support for the 22.10-bit Sipeed LicheeRV board using the RISC-V architecture to the Ubuntu 64 release. Late August also saw the announcement of Ubuntu RISC-V support for the Allwinner Nezha and StarFive VisionFive boards, available for sale at $112 and $179. The Sipeed LicheeRV board is notable for only $16.90 and […]

Testing the KDE Plasma 5.26 desktop with components for use on TVs

The beta version of the Plasma 5.26 custom shell is available for testing. You can test the new release through a live build from the openSUSE project and a build from the KDE Neon Testing edition project. Packages for various distributions can be found on this page. The release is expected on October 11th. Key improvements: Proposed Plasma Bigscreen environment, specially optimized for large TV screens and keyless control […]