Black SEOs and the best methods of promotion. Adult, pharma, essay, dating. Shestakov | People PRO #75

In the 75th issue, Sergey Pavlovich continues his conversation with Oleg Shestakov, founder and co-owner of and

Why is pharma "black"?

Sergey Pavlovich (hereinafter referred to as the joint venture): – Why is pharma (note – pharmaceutics) “black”? I know how Interpol is fighting with her. I thought it was some kind of "gray" - well, Generic, they are still in India.

Oleg Shestakov (hereinafter - OH): “I studied pharma myself. That is, I looked, I was interested in how “black” technologies work. We don’t work with pharmaceuticals – we don’t work with something that is illegal, for which you can get in the ass later. I do not advise anyone.

SP: - Isn't it working now? In my youth, I think they worked.

OR: - Once I poured on adult from doorways. There was good money there, it was the 9th year - I only started with adult. I poured on Russian affiliate programs (remember, sms that pay)? Even then, we gave away the content, if he entered a text message, we gave away the content that he paid for.

SP: - Now adult does not work practically. In any case, I used to send spam to adult - that's how it was! Now it's all dead.

OR: — Who should be? Who should be a person so that he pays for porn from his phone by SMS? Who should be? I don't know.

SP: - Then a lot was earned on wap-clicks, wap-subscriptions ...

OR: - This is a "black" theme. Even now "Google", "Yandex" survive - they ban sites where wap-click; banned, just thrown out of the issue.

How does deception appear in Google paid advertising?

SP: - A bit off topic. As in the paid advertising of Google, for example, there are paid things that breed pensioners: “The state does not pay you 100 thousand rubles a year - find out how ...”? And then they take loot from this unfortunate pensioner for every step.

OR: So this is infotraffic! This is not a Forex financial organization where a license is needed. It's just infographic. It's just that dudes buy this cheap info traffic, put it on a landing page, and then call centers deceive pensioners. I think, of course, complete faggots, you can’t do this, but it’s legal - this is an article. What do you want? They can't check it. You can complain about Google scams, about ads, but usually not.
Well, you know, everything can be cloaked. Who knows, for example, what is cloaking?

What is "cloak"?

SP: - I know the theoretical part, but I never knew how to use it. Tell.

OR: - From the word cloaking (to hide). That is, you cannot pass moderation in some advertising system. It is impossible for a casino, for example ... (a casino, for example, does not work - it is cut out in any case). You take one content for moderation, conditionally, some stools. Here we are sitting on chairs, you are selling chairs - a landing page with chairs. It passes moderation - you replace the content. On Facebook, Yandex, Edwards - wherever advertising systems do not deceive. The company starts to unwind - you change the landing, change creatives so that ...

SP: - Pour porn or pills instead of stools.

OR: - Fill it up and that's it. The main thing is that it should not be aggressive, so that they do not throw abuse at you.

SP: - When I hear about it, I think: why not make an easy option? Look, I have a website: for example, animal feed, vitamins are flooded - this is my website “Zoolakomka”; and I send it for moderation (this site), and then I just change it via FTP to a porn site.

OR: - Of course, yes, it can be done.

SP: “But they told me, you know what? That they come in almost every hour - these moderators who approved you, and look to see if anything has changed there ...

OR: Well, that's the whole story...

SP: - Do they really come to watch or what?

OR: - Certainly. There are checkers and bots, and that's it. It's all moderated. But you can do something: you can know all the IPs of the moderators' offices and give them this content. Didn't think about it?

SP: - Through the cloaca. No, I know - through the cloaca.

OR: “In general, this is already being done industrially. There are dudes who farm accounts on Facebook: they register them, upgrade them, post them, and only then they start an advertising account. As in a search engine on Facebook, antifraud - if something is non-standard ... Here you are on Facebook, when you were sitting, two years later, you probably realized that you can advertise there and signed up after you got there. After 5 years, for example, I started advertising there.

And that dude on the first day went to Facebook-Ads in the most difficult office and started pouring - of course, they get banned. Therefore, it is pumped, developed, then these advertising cabinets begin, start advertising there, then cloak, that is, it is pumped. I had an interesting case: no matter how I got into the hands of a specially written browser for cloaking and working in FB.

SP: - Like "Sphere"?

OR: - Like. But customized, there was a "Chrome" engine.

How to register female Facebook accounts?

SP: - Well, in "Sphere", "Chrome" there is a multi-login, there is "Indigo".

OR: - And you, when you choose "Delete all footprints", nothing remains with open source in the browser, you log in under some account. There is still... Guys who are involved in this - I will not shoot all the chips, because it can ruin someone's life. For example, do you know that all women from 20 to 30 in America are already on Facebook?

SP: - Нет.

OR: - They communicate on Facebook, on Twitter ... Either you are on the social network, or you will never be there - either you are dead, or you do not have the Internet, you are sitting in the basement. You cannot register a young woman from America on Facebook. They won't let you, they will ban you, because everything is already there.

SP: - Because all these farm accounts ... Ten chicks subscribe to me on Facebook in a day.

OR: Yes, yes, this is crazy! Well, the point is… Naturally, what are you doing? You take a look at penetration in some Facebook market, watch how it develops, and make accounts from there - there it gives you. So we made an account, made a girl: they took pictures from VK, stole pictures, named her Sasha Holstein (beautiful, with big “eyes”), uploaded them to this browser. You have no idea! On the left, where the notification column, we have a vidos (30 minutes) ... There is a life hack: you need to add three correct friends ...

SP: What does "correct" mean?

OR: - They must be either the same gender or different from you (there is a direct instruction with this browser). In general, you get into the "sadzhest" - you recommend people in a very large number, because your browser holds certain footprints, from a certain country. And people start sending you friend requests in 3-4 minutes, writing, commenting when you invest something. We have this column on the left (if you're looking at "moniques") was all just filled for 30 minutes: 5 real friends in an hour.

We've got a lot of friends. It’s just that the browser was specially written so that you get into the algorithm - “Look, beautiful woman! Come on, friend her." A bunch of Indians, some Pakistanis wrote to us. One Hindu sent us: “I am rich. I have a cow, look." And the second Pakistani, you know what he did? He took the face of this girl, “photoshopped” it into a waterfall, sent us: “Baby, a card for you!” In short, we were freaking out in different ways, but we didn’t leak anything - we just freaked out that we were able to deceive the algorithm.

And the "blackies" - can you imagine what they are doing there? Smartlinks all merge. Therefore, if we talk about some kind of "black" methods, then you always go to the toughest topic - this is pharma, this is porn, essays - and you look at how technologies work there. You sit down, clear everyone out, and start exploring how these links are built. What else can be interesting to tell our viewers about “black”?

SP: - The most profitable niches then. In our country and in the West - from chernukha.

The most profitable niches in chernukha

OR: — Well, it’s clear – it’s gambling, it’s a casino, it’s sports betting, if you can withdraw it.

SP: You said - "If you can withdraw," - what, your loot from the affiliate program?

OR: - No. If you can get to the top. Again, we have RKN in Russia - this is a fun running around. Previously, it was easy to deceive him, now it is not. That is, it is still possible - now I will also tell ...

These are gambling, sports betting (betting), pharma in America, SA and adult, probably, if you have a lot of traffic.

SP: - But these dietary supplements, "weight loss", "Nutra" is it? "Gray" is it?

OR: - “Grey”, but it moves mostly “in white” - these are articles like “How to cure pancreatitis” ... Do you mean monastery teas, goji berries?

SP: - No, I'm not talking about that. These are faggots.

OR: - I also wanted to say - faggots.

SP: - “Baktefort”, “you have all sorts of worms, parasites” ... I am familiar with these owners of Leadbit, Shakis ...

OR: I don't respect this business.

SP: - Well done guys, that they figured it out. They are moving...

OR: — No, the business is cool! The business is well built.

SP: - ... The methods are these, you know - to scare a person, this shock is "therapy".

OR: - By the way, people in Russia make good money on this, but I have never had anything to do with this business, I didn’t even approach it. I looked at how it was possible - I even tried SEO for fun, whether the site would go to the top or not: yes, it went to the top - we just deleted the site. Yes, you can make money there, but we are principled. We'd rather promote sites in Samara than do this - deceive pensioners to their health.

What else from niches? Take gambling - this is if the "black" niches. We can talk about other things to do online if you don't want to card and sell Viagra to California retirees.

What to do on the Internet? How to card?

SP: - Do you know how many times a day they write to me: “How to card?”, “Well, teach me how to card!” It’s like I have an ad hanging somewhere that I’m learning to card! And I'm really uncomfortable. Much more interesting: yesterday I had a release - I’m just topics that I was in prison while I was sitting and working on for a long time ... I understand that I have YouTube, a cashback service, and there will still be one social project in my life - I won’t break I just gave them to people. And today I’m talking to you - I’m interested in something like that ... to create, not with criminals, but specifically for business, something else to develop, to give some life hacks to them [viewers].

OR: — You know what I'll tell you about the "black"? Look, today I thought about telling the guys about it. When you are doing search (let's take search, because this is my path, I know a lot, I got a lot of traffic for different people in different topics) and when you do rubbish - remember that search has more engineers, more scientists, more resources. He will still find what you are twisting there, deceiving - he will still fuck you as a result.

About "black" business

OR: - So, this can be compared with the fact that you are twisting sites using "black" methods. You have, say, a hundred mowers now, a million ... You can put a million on deposit - this will give you about 73 thousand a year, right? Under 7,3%, under 7%.

SP: - It's a good return. Actually less.

OR: Well, it's stable. If the compound bank interest, then 70 you can do somewhere.

SP: - In Russia last year - 2,5%, 3,2% maximum was on the foreign currency deposit.

OR: - No, not currency! I say - a million rubles.

SP: So inflation will eat you up!

OR: - Well, this is understandable ... Purely profitability - we do not take inflation, many coefficients can be introduced. And you can go, take this million and gamble in sports betting: just sit down in the "League of Stavok" or "Tornado", these beer bastards.

SP: You will lose them very quickly.

OR: - You can just win a lot on them: you took a million bet on a coefficient of 3 (some boxer accidentally knocked out another) - you raised three lyamas. But it's a risk that you can lose everything.

It's the same here. Who is doing the bullshit? Pretty smart people are doing this: there are a lot of programmers, talented hackers, talented digital analysts, web analysts - this is a whole big industry. And you build this team, for example, collect, pour on some "black" casino that does not have a license. And at one moment the regulator says: “That's it, the casino is not allowed!” "Google" may come - in some topics, throw you a separate alert.

SP: - Like in porn. They cleaned out all the porn search results.

OR: - Paid Alones - please, because of the number of hacked sites.

SP: Crypto too.

OR: “Poor people took these loans. First, the US microcredit market has been regulated; secondly, according to the issuance they said - "Google" just came and removed all the sites, no matter what you did there. It has become the same with pharma: buy, like “buy Viagra”, click, nothing will happen ...

SP: - It's still okay. Watched six months ago.

OR: — What happened two years ago is another story; but there is already something like that… And as a result, you will build this team – you will raise some money on the “short length”, and then everything will be fucked up, because the regulator will come.

SP: - I even enter the query "generic Viagra" ...

OR: - Well, you enter "generic Viagra" - understandable. And if you type in "buy Viagra", you'll see how the rankings have changed from two years ago. And if you build something "white", like a deposit, you increase every year - your technologies grow, your team grows, your capital grows, which you can invest; new projects, social, to teach someone something. I personally graduated 250-300 students. Seoshnikov.

SEO training, how much does it cost?

SP: Do you have an academy?

OR: — Yes, we have a Rush academy. We did it inside, inside the company. And then they decided: is it really interesting for someone to study professional SEO? Well, we said yes, let's go.

SP: “I think there are a lot of people who want to.

OR: - And we, in short, rolled it offline. Literally took place that weekend, the next one is in November.

SP: - Set?

OR: Yes, set.

SP: - What is the price?

OR: — 20 thousand, in my opinion, now. Two full days just in our office. I think it's adequate.

SP: Give them some discount. When is your next set?

OR: - November 30 - December 1. Let's make 15 thousand for "People PRO".

SP: - 15 thousand - who wants SEO courses. You yourself - I do not persuade. Just judge for yourself, watch the release. If the words and technologies of Oleg deserve your attention and are interested, then please use the promotional code "PeoplePro" 15 thousand.

OR: - Come, let's make a discount, yes.

SP: - By the way, if a lot of people gather, I’ll also drive up, maybe for a couple of days, I’ll sit with you, take part, listen to something smart.

OR: - Yes. In two days, we’ll tell you so that you can go out and be able to basically make your project and get paid for it, earn from search traffic.

Well, I do it because I like to give people something interesting and good, when people write to me: “Cool, Oleg, we made a website, we no longer work at the factory and somewhere else, we earn money.” And I also act as a philanthropist somewhere once a month - students or someone else. Because I can tell people that I am doing a technology company, I am training a team, we are developing. I'm not saying, you know, we're carding one dollar into Pornhub and cashing it out. I can't tell the youth...

Therefore, I recommend that you do something "white". The same sites under Amazon, go to America, work in Russia either in an agency or for yourself. This is cool stuff! This is modern - you are not tied to a place, you need a macbook, a laptop, whatever you want - and work from anywhere in the world. And no one catches you, no one chases you.

SP: - They can come to your students (and mine, if someone comes from our channel), just “read” an hour lecture for YouTube. You talked about it. I'll just come and have some tea.

OR: We have a tea room.

SP: - Let's drink tea, I'll just tell you what I know about YouTube. I don't know if my result deserves any attention. I have 5 thousand in 100 months. There were five in April, and on September 2 we already celebrated 100 thousand.

OR: “Of course he deserves it. Three people from my circle told me about you: “Oh, look - “People PRO”, check it out, dude, look - f*cking channel”!

SP: - I think 40 percent only passed and learned what you need.

OR: - Yes, sure! Now you will start collaborations, integrations, traffic flow. It's art already.

SP: - In short, here is a person who is engaged in "white" business and is very close to the "black", at least he sees how this happens.

OR: — I saw a lot of topics. If you are engaged in some topic (from Russia, as well as with carding) and think that no one will catch you, break a bunch of sites - someday you will cross someone's path. I know subjects in which people do not go anywhere.

SP: — Like carders, yes.

The biggest money you've ever made from black traffic?

OR: - If you are engaged in a "black" business and reach the top on some topic ... Here you have it: you said that some devils constantly ddosed you. You go to the top for some request - they start DDoSing you. Well, go out at the request of some - "review of boots for hunting" on "Amazon", - well, no one will touch you, you will receive money simply, that's all.
Why are these projects capitalized fairly well? If a site, for example, brings you 2 thousand dollars (per month), you can easily get into the cash - on the "Impai Flippers", where there are different exchanges that sell sites.

SP: - Do you mean like the Russian "Telderi"?

OR: - Telderi, yes. Only the bourgeois sometimes buy for 36 months of payback, for 24 months. That is, you have a website, it brings you 2 thousand dollars a month on Amazon - you can sell it for 30 thousand dollars.

SP: - Straightaway.

OR: “You can cash in, buy yourself a little…

SP: Well, you need an apartment.

OR: - Apartment, yes. These are good assets. But you won't cache

SP: - That is, "white" in the future, in the "long term" will bring much more?

OR: - Yes. I can tell you more about what else we are doing, what you can do. We set up an experiment.

SP: - Let me answer one question: how many of your clients did you earn black money per month, for example? A million dollars, two, ten?

OR: - I know that one team that advised ... I calculated approximately, I estimated the conversion, of course (firstly, I have never seen these people in person and I just roughly understand the topic, I won’t name which one), - two guys million dollars made in a year.

SP: - In a year? Well, it's not that much. Many "white" topics raise much more.

OR: Yes, especially in America. In America, yes. It's hard to make two million dollars on Amazon in a year. That is, they started from scratch, made “black” projects (at the end, the regulator came and killed the entire niche), they earned two million dollars.

SP: — Do you still advise to go to the West at once?

OR: - Certainly! Yes.

about your experiment

SP: - About your experiment.

OR: - Listen, well, we are like an agency - an ordinary client comes to us and says: “Guys, can I do SEO? I need traffic, sales. Everyone needs traffic, right? Well, we did, we did. Then we opened paid traffic. We are now doing Facebook, Insta, now YouTube is also launching, even our own production is small, and paid advertising in Yandex, Google. And we think: we do all this for clients, we are doing well, about 95% of our clients continue to work with us for more than two years. That is, the contract was not fully completed for two years, but worked for a year - then they still return. People are happy - the result, therefore, is.
Often clients leave because they have done everything - there is nothing left to do, everything is in the top. We will not milk the client: "Just pay us." We think: "Well, since we can do it so well for clients, let's do it for ourselves"! And so my partners and I came up with a cool thing: in a year we decided to make 100 websites of commercial topics.

SP: - I saw some kind of challenge on YouTube - “chela” says: “We quickly make a landing in a day (for example, selling Christmas trees), pour some kind of advertising on it from public, paid (“Google Adwords”, YAN, to For example), we look at niches in general - paying off, not paying off. Such a plan?

OR: - No. Theoretically, this can be done...

SP: - They wanted to make 100 sites in 100 days.

OR: - Okay, I have experience - I worked as a technical director for 6 years, I understand technology perfectly, but I won’t make a landing in a day and set up ads for some complex niche there. Because it’s absolutely necessary to bring normal analytics there through Google Tag Manager, even set up all the boards, conduct all advertising campaigns ... In short, this is nonsense, this is not done. Here we did a year: 365 days - 100 sites.

SP: “At least three days.

OR: - Yes. Minimum three days.

SP: How did you choose niches? Specially took different, diverse?

OR: - We just took different ones, looked where there was a little bit of traffic. Different niches: here is some strange niche - "Cleaning of wells" - just count, such a thing. Just think, your pea jacket fell into the well. That's it, pipets, you won't pull it out - it will rot, you have to dig a well. Further - "Riding courses", "Helicopter rental", for example.

SP: — Horse riding will be expensive, I think. Good niche.

OR: - Yes. We took it to the top. "Walking dogs" - brought to the top.

SP: - There's just a lot of dough. Horse riding is expensive, like tennis.

OR: - "Helicopter rental" - we liked it, we brought it to the top; now we’ll score the top - we’ll sell leads. The most interesting thing is that we have created a "Gelika rental" - now we rent "Geliki" in Moscow; Ferrari rental. Type in "Yandex" - "Rent a Gelendvagen in Moscow", so that there is a direct "fat" key. Here the first site will be there, here we collect all the traffic - here is one of the projects. We sell leads. We just found guys who have 30 Gelendvagens, we sell leads to them. That is, we receive calls.

SP: - Well, I understand: you throw off all the applications to them.

OR: — Well, a contractor, a partner, yes.

SP: How much commission do they pay?

OR: - For the buildup, we are creating a small affiliate department - we take 10% for now. Sometimes someone comes to us...

SP: - They have a large margin, it's not enough at all.

OR: - Yes. But for the test! In this niche, now we take for the test, somewhere we can take 30.

SP: — How much traffic in general per month for such a request?

OR: — I don’t know, there are about 40 valid applications per month.

SP: “Simlarep (???) won’t show you.

OR: “He will show you what…

OR: - Organic. 100% organic, see?

SP: — No, for some reason, 30% of the traffic shows… Ah, well, type-in ​​traffic, that is, direct visits – 70%.

OR: - Yeah, he's dumb. Simlarep does not show on small volumes, keep in mind. "Social" is practically non-existent there. Where he got it from is unclear.
So they did things like this. And you can make 3 sites in your city, even if in a small town - Gelika Rent, Gelika Rent, Gelendvagen in Samara, score all the results and find a partner to whom you will sell leads. What do you need to set up? IP-telephony, by the way, for darma.

SP: - I already showed in the last video.

OR: - Good company; if you have a referral - let them go, worthy to recommend. Transfer calls to one of the partners, you can to a relative (give a phone number to a relative) ...

SP: - He sells flowers!

OR: By the way, we promoted flowers a lot - a very “meat” theme.

SP: What do you mean, "meat"?

OR: - “Meat” means competition, tough, “bloody” ocean is direct. Well, flowers, flowers! Estimate, what is the margin on them?! Here, for example, fireplaces, boilers are installed, any construction topics.

SP: - Plastic windows, probably, you won’t fit in at all?

OR: We don't, honestly. We can't advance! In our expertise… It definitely twists PF there, it definitely twists behavioral ones – you won’t get out, and that’s it.

SP: — Thousands of plant workers log in every hour from their mobile, then take out the tenth mobile from their pocket, and already log in from a new operator.

OR: - Yes, that's exactly how it works. We do not take plastic windows, do not take steel doors and air conditioners. Fundamentally simple. Simply no.

You can do such a business in your city - make a website according to the manual. There is a website builder called Tilda.

SP: - "Yukit" and "Tilda".

OR: - Here is Tilda - good, we know that it is moving forward. Here it is ready for SEO, you can. For 3 days, the site was made by ourselves.

SP: Do it yourself or order freelance.

Useful black hat SEO forums

OR: - Here are examples of earnings. Where else can you go? My first recommendation for earning money (for all these ... many years already in business, about ten): I think that this is English - this is first of all.

SP: - Any courses?

OR: - No. Learn it yourself. This is just the top thing you should be doing. All the good information on marketing, business models are ready - for example, how to make super-cool e-mail newsletters, how to make some kind of trigger marketing - everything is free in the bourgeois Internet, you take it. If you don't speak English, you can't get information about marketing and making money online. What is? BlackHatWorld - a forum about "black" SEO (they don't sell credit cards there, you can say it).

SP: - Then the analogue is "SearchEngins" of ours, from three letters, often called ...

OR: — MFC? By the way, there is one interesting friend of mine, Yar Gromov. He has a forum for making money on the Internet

SP: In Russian?

OR: - In Russian. Great project where I won't send you to hell. There are normal, understanding people sitting there, a very warm atmosphere. You can fight. There is some kind of paid section, but even for free you can get a lot of information. But!
There are such projects, in America - uk, in English - paid, free forums (membership) about "white" niches. You can, for example, learn how to send traffic to Info in Brazil or Mexico, and earn huge money - just an article, a dude wrote a case - you know how to do SEO. Did it - earned money. If you don't have English, you won't read this. So learn English.

About books, SEO in the West

SP: - I generally consider it one of the most important things that comes in handy in life. Now I sell a lot of my books. You did buy!

OR: Yes, thank you for the book.

SP: - You bought it early, so I would give it to you now. And you know, people don't read at all! Many who are your age or younger (twenty to thirty) write: "Your book was the first thing I read." Although the man had an institute behind him. It is clear that he read textbooks, and says: "Of ordinary books, yours was the first." Someone says: "I have read three books in my life, and one of them was yours." I believe that reading is a very important skill for children. It also develops observation. Most of what I get is from reading, plus knowledge of a foreign language. All new topics, legal or illegal, they all appear immediately in the West anyway, then come to us.

OR: Everything must be looked at in the West. Everything that appears in Russia is imported from the West. If you know how to do SEO in English… Okay, one ruble, one dollar, 65 rubles… Of course, there is not 65 times higher earnings, of course, but you can definitely earn 20 times more.

SP: - So even in terms of income from YouTube or Adsense, income differs by 5-8 times, if I have an English-language channel (soon to be). Well, that's completely different...

OR: — Take Sertari-themed, surgery, some kind of Botox, plastic-Surgery, take Insurance (insurance), Car or Life Insurance… Yes, insurance. There clicks can be with three-digit sums.

SP: I have seen over a thousand dollars. I recently researched this issue. On clicks associated with some rare form of cancer (because insurance payments are very high), then any insurance (life, car), namely flood (because many regions of the USA suffer from floods, and floods, in my opinion, even the second after this cancer). And you imagine that you have a site, just a site dedicated to cancer, for example, all kinds of tumors, and you post some personal experience through SEO. Maybe, God forbid, your relative was sick; describe how it was, pull up all sorts of videos. And if he gets organic traffic through SEO methods…

OR: There is Adsense. Of course, it won't be a thousand dollars, but a $25 click could be worth it.

SP: - You cover it competently with advertising from Google Adsense, and that's it - it turns out $ 25 per click and more ... Or the legal topic is very expensive - please make yourself a “Rating of Lawyers”.

OR: — There are several “unicorn” startups that went to IPO with these lawyers (you told me, I don’t remember the name of this “lawyer aggregator”). It’s just that you can, if you understand English, it’s generally better to go (I’ve been to America twice, not so much, I lived somewhere for three months) to see what they are doing.

I have a professional defamation: if I go to some Spain or France, I look at how the business works, what can be done - fill in leads ... You just go to America, look - your sidekick said: glass washing is popular, moving ... In France - "Plumbing" (these are plumbers); old houses, and it is unrealistic to repair pipes expensively; they have, like plastic windows, all sorts of plumbing, electricians.

SP: - I think it's the same in England, also old houses.

OR: - Yes. And in theory, there are some small cities - it is better to take 300-500 K of the population, so that there is traffic, so that there is a target audience who buys something. And you can cut the site for some city.

SP: — Do you mean making a website not for the whole of Russia, but specifically for Zelenograd?

OR: - Yes. But it is better to do it right away in America, in California, for example. And you can also write, for example, in Russian... Your friend suggested looking for clients for SEO there. You can also offer ready-made leads. So we tested this model: you come to a business and say - “Here is the CEO, let's do it for you.” And he says: "Boy, let's go, because they threw off three times." And you come and say: “Here's your phone, it will ring. I'll come back in a month - tell me."

Analysis of purchases by voice?

SP: - Immediately the question is: how do you control how many applications were from your site?

OR: - And I'm proxying from IP-telephony. I'm proxying requests.

SP: Are you listening to the records?

OR: - No, I use speech analytics - a robot that marks all records with the help of artificial intelligence.

SP: - Don't fuck yourself! Is it accessible, some kind of proprietary technology?

OR: — I will not recommend the company because they have a complete customer service. Yesterday I looked at the product that I will switch to - Speech Analytics, in my opinion, is called.

SP: — Is it Western or Russian?

OR: — No, the Russian guys did it. Two rubles a minute is worth recognizing. If you pay a lot, in my opinion, a ruble / minute. I'm tagging...

SP: - And what are you going to look at by your voice, did the purchase take place in the end and how old are you? ..

OR: - I will evaluate the quality of a partner: “I don’t know”, “I can’t help”, “Mooing”. It allows, for example, to determine - the dude who picked up the phone, he mumbles, answers for a long time ...

SP: - Support service, right?

OR: - No. Let's say I gave the phone to some client who is being called by Gelika. The girl who really answers the phone, she - “What is there?”, Like “Well, what is there?”, “I can’t help”, “I’m at lunch,” she says. According to these words, one can understand whether the partner has a normal call center or not. We have an administrator of the sales department of partners who sits remotely (Mr. X is his name so that the sellers do not know who he is, so that they do not hang him as a result) - he listens to all calls, marks, tags, makes reports; says: "Here the seller forgot to introduce himself", "Here the seller forgot something."

SP: - Cool. I didn't even know there was such a specialty.

OR: - I've just been building a sales department with us for 5 years, in particular, I help clients. I had to go through a lot in this topic. So, to recap. Try what you understand - you have, for example, someone is a cool carpenter, someone sets up automatic telephone exchanges - make a website in Russia, you can sell these leads to someone if you are an expert. You can make a website in America for some plumbers, sell it to Russians from New York who know how to make a plumber, or any home repairs.

There is a channel of a dude on YouTube who works as a handyman in the homes of Americans - he shoots a blog. Yes, it is in demand there, he gets 100 bucks a day - sell leads. Well, it’s completely “white”, a good topic.

Life hack how to learn English

OR: — I was young, I wanted to learn English. In general, I have an interesting story, how I got into it all; I can tell later. I have already graduated from the institute, I worked.

SP: - Who did you study at the institute?

OR: — I studied to be a software engineer. But I don’t know how to program, I’m a shitty engineer, but a normal manager. But because of this, the brain technically works. That is, I can write some simple code, but I cannot write an appeal to Api in Python. I can teach some machine learning algorithm on ready-made frameworks by hand, but I can’t program it, I won’t write code. What was he talking about?

SP: - About English.

OR: - In short, I drove through Eastern Europe - this is Slovakia, the Czech Republic. You go to a bar (you were young) and you don't know English well and you try to meet girls and they send you to hell in this bar. But you already know a few new words and you have no choice in the next bar: either you talk or you chew and they send you to dick. I just went talking to people, and that's how it went.

I had a funny case. I initially came to the Internet in general then, that when I went to college (my parents are completely ordinary people) ...

SP: Are you from Moscow yourself?

Earnings on Ultima Online, the first experience on the Internet

OR: - I'm from Moscow. Mom and dad are engineers. And when I started, everyone played computer games; also Ultima Online - it was like that, maybe you remember ...

SP: - I remember the name, but did not play.

OR: - Such a medieval RPG-thing, we were still in the ninth grade, probably, we were selling coins from this game: we installed bots, farmed and sold, when it was not yet mainstream - Warcraft had not yet been released, World of Warcraft - we already sold . I realized that I didn’t want to go to this job, I didn’t understand where I would go, so that I would like it, so that the boss wouldn’t beat me with a stick from above, so that he wouldn’t say - “Come on, do it!”

I began to dig how to make money on the Internet. All these clicks on banners passed. Then I stumbled upon this dude at Searchengines, who showed me the CEO. Then we started pouring on adult with him - we got a lot of money. It was 2007, we were earning 1,5 thousand dollars a day.

SP: - Well, okay. Then the dollar was...

OR: - Can you imagine how much it was? It was unrealistic. But we watered exactly 41 days. Well, we got high - of course, we spent all the money somewhere. And then an upgrade came out, in my opinion, “Snezhinsk” (I won’t lie, what algorithm was released in Yandex), with which all the content was removed. We've been banned. I went to work in a digital agency, big, big.

SP: - Went as a hired hand.

OR: - Yes, I went to work. Worked, learned normal SEO. I had a normal leader who gave knowledge. Then the company scammed me (I'm already bringing up the topic of English). Accidentally. He helped the sellers: he went to a meeting with one client, we just chatted for a long time, he didn’t buy anything, but then he introduced me ... He said: “I have a friend here who came from Germany, I need to help.” I came. After that, they made me an offer for three salaries from what I received at the agency, despite the fact that I am in my third year ...

SP: “What do you mean, three-salary offer?”

OR: “I was paid by the agency. They tell me: “Do you want us to pay you three salaries? But come to our state!” I say, "Well, okay." And this was the third year of the institute when I worked at the agency.

How did you create your own SEO agency, what do you do directly? The structure of the company?

SP: - Do you work with your brother? What age is he, is he older or younger?

OR: - We are twins.

SP: — I thought so. You perform managerial functions in the company. Is your company in general?

OR: - Ours is ours. I'll tell you how it turned out with my brother ...

SP: How did you meet your brother...

OR: - My brother at that time was not engaged in SEO at all. The whole company was built in such a way that ...

SP: Did you go to the same institute? One department?

OR: - Yes, he helped me pass the exams, because I was already working at work. He was not engaged in IT at all then - well, he just did some tasks somewhere ...

And these guys invite me, they say: “Do you know English?” I say yes". I hope Ellie will watch it someday - I understand that he understood all this later ... I say: “Yes, yes, of course I know”! I go to work, I have to manage in three countries, eight people in three different countries. I had to conduct meetings in English, Director. In short, I had to learn English in two weeks - basic, technical, conversational, otherwise I would have been fired. True, I had to fire one girl from England, because I did not understand what she was saying. I say: “We don’t need her” - I just could not understand what she was telling me.

SP: — You know, I talked a lot in this carding with Southeast Asia: I understand the Chinese, I understand the Indians, I understand even the English, because the British pronounce every word with high quality. Fuck, I can't talk to Americans on the phone, I can't at all - I don't understand what they're saying. I tried - "Repeat again, please", "Speak slowly" - but I don't understand; I understand English.

OR: - It was the same shit. In general, after the agency, I went to this international company and worked. Then they made an agency. I called my brother, we made an agency, now we have four partners in fact.

SP: - What is the role of other partners, purely financial or what?

OR: — Look, the development of some strategic products is driving me now: I learned how to promote to the West - we built a department. Let's say we make some sales - I pack products, what our products look like, what we sell to the market. I speak at conferences, I like to develop our brand in the public field.

SP: In short, marketing is up to you.

OR: — Marketing, PR and strategic development, financial planning in the company too.

SP: - You are a manager - you also have to be a tactician. I am not a tactician, for example, I am a strategist.

OR: - In tactics, I oversee the company's sales department and the technology department of Rush Analytics. We now have about 12 departments in the company, I supervise only two.

SP: - And who exactly is in charge of the entire operating system?

OR: - There is a partner, development director - he maintains the internal structure of the company and builds new products, invents. We pump them with him, pack them to the sales department - we start selling. And my brother is now engaged in a purely western direction. We now have 9 senior managers (“tops”) in our company; there are groups under them, our line specialists are already there. It turns out that one partner is engaged in the structure of the company, operating system, work with personnel, all sorts of internal things, internal kitchen. The brother is engaged in technology and management of expansion into Western markets.

SP: Does he know English better than you?

OR: - I think I know English better than anyone in the company, because I had to speak a lot, and it was about business, then already. Well, I have fluent English (I won’t say C1, something like that), but I can speak business topics calmly. Although I can’t talk to Americans via Skype, because it’s freezing, by the way. When they start talking quickly, I sometimes don't understand the accent - Australians, Irish and Americans.

And the fourth partner manages all the production of advertising.

SP: - There are all sorts of creatives, right?

OR: - No. All the SEO, all the traffic that is done in the agency, is managed by a separate person, namely production: so that clients don’t have jambs, so that ours don’t screw up there, so that the client understands correctly, in order to sell him something inside ...

SP: — Is there such a controller inside?

OR: Yes, production manager. That is, he is a production worker (hello, Antokha!). By the way, he is your fan, enjoys your channel.

SP: - I'll come to you with a lecture - we'll get to know each other.

OR: - There is also a partner who is just our managerial tick: he builds everyone inside, the organizational structure, the "West". And I'm responsible for PR, marketing. It’s good to work with partners, because you can’t take them out alone. Choose the right partner.

SP: — But it is necessary to have different competencies. If you have one competence, you are trampling on the same field, interfering with each other, knocking with your elbows.

OR: — Quite right. Competences, if you choose partners, should not be the same, and indeed, they should be completely diametrically opposed. For example, I can come up with a product, technology, say - "Do it!" - but sometimes I don't have enough time to check the tasks. But my other partner will set up a meeting so that I can not not come. He says: "Oleg, we are waiting for you." Like regular management, the team must have a rhythm, that is, it builds management within it.

If I know how to sell to people correctly, how to properly package a product in a sales department, teach salespeople, I will do it. But this partner, who builds all this routine, operating system, he says - "I can't sell it, I don't know how."

How many people do you have in the company?

OR: - Now it turns out 73. 7 people were fired this quarter.

SP: - Was it 80?

OR: — Yes, there were 80. Well, now the western department will grow again.

SP: — Shares between partners are divided proportionally? You, relatively speaking, all have 25%?

OR: - Proportionately, I have 1% more.

SP: - Are you the boss there?

OR: - Yes, chief. That’s how we agreed from the beginning, because it’s different… It seems to me that when a company is in digital, everyone is modern, still young, everyone has an ego – I think it should be equally, equally harnessed.

Are there conflicts with partners?

SP: Are there any conflicts?

OR: - Listen, yes, of course they meet!

SP: - No, I'm talking about global ones: that you disagree with your eyes almost to the point that you scatter. It is clear that every day some small cases.

OR: - No, that doesn't happen. We can, of course, argue with our partners, someone will freak out there, but we always find a common language. Cool boys, I trust them, I believe in them. And in many life situations (these are not people from the street), they helped me out, and not only in business.

SP: - Do you fight with your brother?

OR: — With this cunt? Certainly. Hi Zhenya!

How much do you earn?

SP: - OK. How much do you earn? Everyone is interested in how much dough.

OR: - There is a million.

SP: A million dollars a year, right?

OR: - More, of course. I mean in cash per month. Well, just tell me the amount.

SP: — Dollars or rubles?

OR: - Rubles. You can't make a million dollars on the Russian market. The market capacity is only 500 million.

SP: — Do you focus more on SEO as an agency or on your own projects?

OR: - You know, we are diversifying, now we are trying to do something of our own, to increase ours as assets. But now the majority are the clients we manage. Many large companies work with us.

How much will SEO for SecretDiscounter cost?

SP: - Here I am with my "Cashback" I want you to lead me completely SEO, write assignments, terms of reference, answer for the texts. How much, for example, will I pay per month?

OR: - About 130 thousand a month we will take for such a project, I think.

SP: - That is, it is “turnkey”, I will completely forget? And what will I get as a result in a year, for example? You saw roughly the state of my project, the amount of traffic.

OR: - Anyway, you will need feedback, so remember: if you go to the agency, don’t do it like this - “Come on, guys,“ cutlet ”, you sit there, I don’t want to touch!” All the same, there should be feedback from the owner, owner or marketer - what do you want to get from the SEO.

SP: - It is clear that in my case - targeted traffic.

OR: - Target traffic. But you will have to communicate: what are we like today - will we promote clothes or electronics, where do you get more cashback? Maybe we'll go to travel altogether?

SP: — Traveling is more interesting for me.

OR: - Here. That is, you have to guide us, and we will do the traffic. Usually for large sites - this is a contract of 110 thousand per month or more, depending on the amount of work. We have a department for small projects, we have a VIP department - these are big projects, like yours, where there are a lot of pages or strong competition. You have strong competition. We'll just walk out like this in 2 minutes. There you will have to fight a lot with competitors, do analytics, download a lot of data. Well, the West is a separate matter altogether.

First of all, we will put everything in order for you – we optimize all the landings, write all the texts, and bring them to the top as far as possible. This will take about 9 months. I think you can do a thousand a day there, you will grow ten times. Calmly.

SP: - I probably ruined my CEO with a redirect.

OR: - You're hardcore gluing! What tactics are there in the West?

SP: - I'm just in the short term ... You correctly said about the "long term". At that time, I was interested in just live clients, so I used all the "black" methods, I just stupidly flooded with popunders, 301 redirects.

OR: Do you know how they do it in the West? You take it - you glue the domain to a competitor, the competitor’s positions have fallen - well, to hell with him, he abandoned this domain; and if they grew up, he peeled it off, glued it to himself. There is also such a "tool" called Link Detox - you can find bad links that have been pasted to you.

SP: - Can I now wash me of the actions that I did - the 301st redirect, popunder traffic with a lot of iterations?

OR: — Yes, popunder traffic is normal, I don’t care.

SP: - But it worsens the behavior - a large percentage of failures! It's 90% failure.

OR: - So this is referral traffic - this traffic is not related to the search, the search does not take it into account at all. It's not search traffic.

SP: I thought he was all looking...

OR: - "Yandex" smartly sees segmentation by traffic and understands that you are cheap traffic, you are uploading chip traffic. Ok, why not. I'll show you the audit - you just have technical problems, I think the problems are not in the links. If there was a problem with links, you wouldn't have Google.

Why did you decide to switch from Russia to the bourgeoisie?

SP: - A question from the audience: why did you decide to switch from Russia to the bourgeoisie? The answer seems obvious to me - because the dough is bigger!

OR: — Yes, and I don’t like the economic situation in the country: it’s not clear, it’s difficult to do business, there are a lot of paperwork in Russia. And the prospects that the economy will grow here, and I will be able to grow together with the country - no, not here. That is, there is stagnation, customers are shrinking, someone has simply closed.

And in the West, you just come... Many competitive tops in America are actually held by Russian-Ukrainians. Seriously! All the tops are filled with sites promoted by Russian-Ukrainians, many competitive tops. In the same New York in "white" themes. And you come, and you a priori have more technologies in your head, because you struggled with complex technology at Yandex ... You come somewhere, you do it like this (at the click of a finger), - “Well, did it get into the top? OK". And there the average check is twice as much, three.

SP: — At 6–8.

OR: - Well, you did not like it in America - went to Latin America. The client did not go there (well, we cannot display global) - let's take you to Mexico and Brazil.

Do you promote client sites or your own in the bourgeoisie?

SP: - Do you promote client sites in the bourgeoisie mainly or your own?

OR: — We have our own network of websites under Amazon.

SP: What do you mean by "Amazon"? This is the fifth time I've heard this.

OR: - This is a reviewer, that is, you do reviews on some goods, a big long read. A person chooses some kind of electric guitar ...

SP: - Is it land?

OR: - These are multi-page sites. Landing pages can be promoted, they can even be promoted under Amazon, but that's a different story. It's better to do a multipage. Then you have fewer risks: one page did not come out in terms of semantics, but the other one did. We have our own sites under Amazon, they bring in money. Why not?

SP: How do you monetize them? Just referencing that particular product on Amazon?

OR: - Yes Yes. Standard review sites, Amazon review sites, nothing new.

SP: - The largest, largest your site under "Amazon" how much traffic per month does it have?

OR: - Just under America?

SP: - Yes. Is it all SEO?

OR: - Yes, SEO, somewhere organic - three thousand a day somewhere, so much traffic.

SP: - Why are these numbers 5-8 times? In the same YouTube, you get 5-8 times more from America. In the cashback business, I looked: about 8 times the income is higher. This number 8 constantly appears. Let's be pessimists, let's not take the ceiling, let's take a minimum - 4 times higher. In fact, why I say that you need to go to the West as soon as possible.

OR: - Yes, and people have more money, people part with money more easily.

SP: - And we spend about the same time, energy, money.

OR: - Well, we are tired in Russia, because there are a lot of small companies - three dudes gathered there ... They drew beautiful landing pages, launched ads normally ... They scam customers. Because they can’t, they don’t have 10 years of experience, they don’t know how, they don’t know anything about search, but they sell well. They tell their clients, “We will do the SEO for you,” but they do nothing. Then the client comes to us and says: "Let's sign a contract with guarantees."

SP: - Also a delicate moment.

OR: And they just destroy the market. What are the guarantees in America? Do you know the joke about the SEO agency?

A client comes to the SEO agency and says:

- Do you have a guarantee?
“Hu… ntia.”
- You can be trusted!

How much do you earn from a promoted site for America?

The market in Russia is such that people have little money. He cannot take 10 thousand dollars for the channel - "Well, let's protest, okay." And in America it can, because the company has 2 million dollars of turnover there per year, it doesn’t care about these 5 thousand dollars for CEO per month. They really can not ask for a report, that's right.

SP: - In short, do you have client sites in the bourgeoisie?

OR: - Yes, just look: there is still a market in Russia (147 million now) ... Look at the rest of the world - there are a lot of them and they are rich; these people have money to spend.

In Russia, such a (shows little) number of people have money to spend, and the rest work for them. Here's the answer to you, why bourgeois.

Is Putin a good president for Russia?

SP: Is Putin a good president for Russia?

OR: - Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. Vladimir Vladimirovich.

SP: - But you are already an adult, you have some kind of formed opinion.

OR: - What can I tell you? In terms of business (it's just a long story about the country), over the past 10 years it has not gotten better, it has only gotten worse. The government does nothing good for business. I can’t take what the client paid me on PayPal, as in America, take a screenshot and send it to the tax office - they will hang me for this. The government does nothing good. And in America, you can take a screenshot, take a picture on your phone and send it to the tax office (there is up to 10 thousand dollars). I'll take a picture and say: "On. I don't want to check."

SP: “So you don’t believe in some kind of economic bright future?”

OR: — I do not see economic prerequisites. The ruble is falling, there is no infrastructure development, there are no tax breaks, VAT has been raised. Well, how will you work? You have such huge taxes everywhere. For example, somewhere in some Europe you can get a loan at 1, 25 percent for a business. In America, you can use financial instruments. Here, go, you are approved for an overdraft at XNUMX% - cool!

SP: - So you still do not get this loan?

OR: Yes, you can't use financial instruments.

SP: - I have a profitability in the field - 100% I can do. That is, I can take a loan even at 30%, but they don’t give me yet. You have to bring so many (shows a lot) papers. Yes, it’s easier for me to announce, show ... You know, the Dodo Pizza company? Fedor Ovchinnikov.

OR: - Guys, by the way, many invested. SEOs, by the way.

SP: - He just had a bookstore, he kept a text blog. He had a bookstore in Syktyvkar, he moved normally, then went bankrupt. But it turned out: the more you go bankrupt, the faster you rise again. And how did he attract, get money for Dodo Pizza? He simply announced in his blog (there were many readers): “Let's chip in, stir up this!” Now I will be on YouTube, because now we need to create a sales department, a number of events - I will announce the same thing on YouTube. And the profitability of the "dirty" - 100%. I don't want to take out a loan, I don't want to spend time on it.

OR: “You yourself will decide in which jurisdiction to do this?” Yes. Because if your turnover is growing, you will not be able to work comfortably in Russia until a certain point. You can work in America, somewhere in Europe, of course; if you have a passport of the islands, you can work comfortably in the Arab world. But there you are provided with these conditions, no one jerks you off. In Germany, the government will say to you: “Why are you unprofitable? Maybe we can help you?" And here they will tell you that you underpaid a ruble in taxes, because the tax office itself took it from your account twice, you don’t have a ruble to pay there - your accounts were blocked.

I don't understand the whole story in Russia. Small business, I believe, drives technology, drives the country. There are no positive developments, so I think that we need to go to the West, where the country has evolved all this for a long time.

SP: - It's time to fall.

OR: — Well, we are thinking about relocation. We now have an office in Slovakia, we are opening an office in Thailand (this is a "camp" for the winter). We are introducing various modern features from corporations into the company: on Wednesday, for example, we have a remote day (people can work from home); and now, whoever wants to, will work in Thailand. That is, we have been testing a remote work format for a long time, remote management.

Do you employ people from Russia?

SP: - And you have people, it turns out, only from Russia work?

OR: — No, we have people from Ukraine, we have people from Belarus.

SP: Is it all remote?

OR: - Yes, but these are full-time people who work under an official contract. We have a remote employment contract. There is a type of employment contract. We buy people only for full time, we don't have freelancers. He comes to work, is noted in the corporate chat, you can always call him (no matter what time zone he is in).

SP: - Slack?

OR: - We are now using Votsap. I want to implement Slack, I want to do everything with bots, but I don’t have enough for all processes. I will digitize all processes on Google BigQuery, cloud databases, Google Data Studio - these are dashboards.

SP: — Well, I use trials.

OR: — For tasks, I also use trials, but here you can calculate the efficiency of all employees, all accounting, bring them into one cloud database, bring all the metrics together and display them on beautiful TVs.

SP: — I don’t even have the patience for metrics and analytics. I'd hang myself if I had to do even half of it.

OR: - And there will be a Telegram bot. You pull the “Telegram” bot from this system, it sends notifications to employees - for example, how much they have fulfilled KPI today.

SP: - As a joke the guys told yesterday:

“From now on, everything will work in a new way. Each employee will have a remote control - "Coffee" and "Blowjob". The good ones will have a call button, the bad ones will have a light bulb.

OR: - By the way, the usual question - people ask how your company is built - is it holacracy, is it self-government ... Fuck it! We have a classic, vertical, "red" company with a rigid structure. We have a lot of people constantly with KPI: standard small salaries, but everyone has big bonuses.

How Much Do Hired SEO Specialists Earn?

SP: - Prospects for growth?

OR: - Always! Always, always... If you want, you take on more projects, you earn. Our salaries are higher than the market for SEOs.

SP: - And what is the salary in the market now?

OR: - According to the market, the average salary is 75-80, maybe more.

SP: - A thousand rubles a month ... Do you have more than a hundred?

OR: - More.

SP: Do you hire outside employees at all? How is the selection made?

OR: - Yes. HR is built like this: we hire interns who know a little; we have an adaptation program - all adaptation in the company is automated; we have our own internal online academies where you take exams, go through texts, pass grades.

SP: - So as not to explain to everyone - you have written courses once.

OR: — Yes, we packed courses for the profession – it was worth a lot.

SP: — Do not steal them from you?

OR: - Yes, go steal, go repeat my company! Don't care!

SP: - So I'm saying ... Why am I not afraid to share ideas? I have so many of them, firstly ... Secondly, implementation is important.

OR: — I always give knowledge. If you do, you will be my only competitor - we will drink beer, whiskey with you, I will say: "Cool, brother!" I like it when people create and do something.

The employees tried to make a competing company, which coals are not good. Yes, they died with debts in a year, because they have a different development strategy - they do not understand how to do business! They think it's very easy, you will have a lot of money. Go ahead, pay your taxes, rent an office.

SP: - And how to sleep for 4 hours for years, so they don’t think about it! I sleep here for 4 hours.

OR: - I got up this morning, I had a quarterly meeting. I finalized, then I came to you to shoot.

What are your biggest fails in the business?

SP: — And what about your biggest fails in business, you and your team?

OR: — We have a Rush Analytics product. He used to look different, and we think:

“We are SEO specialists, we need it.” We didn't know what the market wanted. And we didn’t do Customer Development, then we didn’t do “kasdev”, we didn’t ask people what they needed, and we started sawing. They sawed for 4 years, spent 5 years, a million dollars - they got a loss-making company. Well, in terms of euros.

SP: Why in euros? Do you have programmers not from Ukraine?

OR: - No. We have a development office in Slovakia.

SP: — What's the point of having a development office in such an expensive country?

OR: — Normal programmers. You can also hire a programmer for 2 thousand euros.

SP: - How I cry in Moscow or Ukraine ...

OR: — I can, because of our unique capabilities as a technical director, hire a programmer with two technical degrees. Two technical schools! The best in the country. For adequate money. Because we did what we like, and not what the market needs.

I decided to file a product, I decided to file a website - just type Customer Development in YouTube, see what it is. This is a consumer development methodology. Go ask people: “Do you need it? Does it hurt you?"

SP: - You, like Jobs, did what went to your head.

OR: - Well, we are not Jobs, and you are not Jobs - those times have passed. It is clear that now the phone with three “burners” has come out. We didn't ask people if they needed it or not. Spend money, invest.

SP: Does one count, two?

OR: — Two. The third "burner" still happens! Memes already, yes.

It was necessary to go right away, then hire a good product manager.

SP: - I know your service. Maybe I don't know everything. Where did you drive so much lave? It is clear that you can spend a billion.

OR: - A team of programmers, infrastructure ... What are you talking about! We are somewhere fourth in Eastern Europe in terms of data collection. We have a bunch of servers, we have a bunch of technologies under the hood.

SP: You need to start selling big data.

OR: - We're going for it. Have you seen captcha, captcha on Yandex?

SP: — Have you seen the captcha on Aliexpress?

OR: - Let us give a fuck.

SP: - I just have some spam projects on Aliexpress. I am a man, I can solve one or two out of ten.

OR: - On Yandex, the same thing happened, but we go through any captcha ourselves.

SP: - We need to see if you can pass the Aliexpress captcha.

OR: - We built our department, which introduces it by hand, on a cheap infrastructure.

SP: - Worse than at Aliexpress, I have not seen the captcha.

OR: - 600 thousand rubles we got to recognize captcha per month.

SP: - The issue is return.

OR: - Yes. And it all went down the drain. We hired a product manager who came to us: “Oleg, these metrics do not work correctly. We need to change the model ”(subscription, for example - they switched to a subscription). We changed the tools, packaged this case in a different way, and the company began to make a profit, it stopped losing money. We conducted 30 interviews with our clients and realized that they do not need this.

SP: - It was necessary to make a simple model of some kind?

OR: - It was necessary to just do what people need, and not what we, the cool ones, have thought up for ourselves and want. Don't think you're cool - ask the people you sell to. This is the biggest mistake in business. People were mistaken, leaders were hired. Another tip: if you think that something is wrong with a person, then something is definitely wrong with him! Always. If in doubt to hire - do not take it!

SP: - As my mother always says, she never gets tired of repeating: “The first thought that came to mind is the most correct!”

OR: - You see - something cloudy, something you don’t like ... It won’t work, it won’t get sick, it won’t relearn! It will definitely be cloudy, you will definitely lose money. So they were wrong with the financial staff, they were wrong with the social-media manager (I hope you see it), who had the same goals and objectives, goals and objectives - nothing more. Wrong hiring, wrong business model.

SP: - And they made an ultra-expensive product, they did it for a long time, which is not in demand so much.

OR: - Now he is at least fighting back, we understand the model of how to develop.
What is your main function?

SP: “The most basic function you have there…

OR: - Checking positions. The most understandable for everyone: drive in your keys and see how your site is progressing.

SP: - And who are the competitors? Here I am checking in Gougetlinks, for example. I have some kind of subscription there, they send me reports once a month or once a week: “Your sites were in such a place, now they are in such a place.” You know, it's convenient - the arrows, you see the dynamics, went down or up.

OR: “And most likely they buy data from us or from competitors. They themselves will not parse. Either at Pult, or with us. But there are other competitors - SE Ranking, which you also saw. Ranking is also a good system, but it has a lot of things. And what you need as a business owner is to see where your site is located and what kind of traffic it has. We also show traffic from Metrica directly inside, positions have grown - how much traffic has grown we show.

SP: - Well, yes, there is something else to finish. But if I were you, in order to recoup these costs faster, I would start trading big data.

OR: — We have already started collecting databases, if you like.

Bourge Articles under Amazon

SP: Let's continue with customer questions. Do you have a number of articles under the "Amazon" in your bourgeoisie? You said eat. One or?..

OR: - There are several of them. We ran the model for a long time, we wrote our own WordPress assembly. Now we can just unfold them like this (snaps fingers), just scale the edition, connect it.

SP: - And the articles just flooded others, and that's it.

OR: - Yes. And our editing is automated. Our copywriters cannot submit the text... And he writes in our office on purpose, where our robot automatically checks the correctness of the text, the compliance with the TOR automatically. You just load technical specifications there from Rush Analytics, and the copywriter cannot submit the text until he, sska, wrote it correctly.

SP: - Save, figuratively speaking, can not.

OR: - Can not. They say to him: "Correct the mistake." And so we take the "Amazon" engine, the theme, connect the exchange (soon on the "dad" this business will be poured directly into the articles) - that's it, and the envelope has gone!

SP: - It seemed to me that I understand something, for example, I understand IT ...

OR: - I just sawed a lot of automation in my life.

SP: “And I understand that I don’t know a third of all this, and I don’t have enough of it.

What SEO strategy do you use for the bourgeoisie?

SP: - What strategy do you use to promote in the bourgeoisie - content, link, technical SEO? Emphasis on what?

OR: - Technical SEO just "out of the box" should be correct - fast loading of the site.

SP: - A priori. OK.

OR: - For WordPress, you install Yoast Seo.

SP: - There is a plugin.

OR: And Clearfy cleans up the garbage. Plugin. Disables duplicates.

SP: - Optimize is.

OR: - Optimize too, yes.

OR: - In short, a clean, good site (let's take Wordpress). This is the correct content, in accordance with the type of content issue, and link content, which you can get relatively cheap.

SP: — What is the main thing under bourgeois all the same?

OR: - Links. Average, good content and good links. Links make up for average content.

SP: - If content, then who writes? "Native-speakers", that is, foreigners themselves from those countries, or translators themselves.

OR: - On the site of clients - only "native-speakers". We have "native-speakers" in the state.

SP: - In what languages?

OR: - Spain, France, Germany, English.

SP: - Are they normal, intelligent copywriters?

OR: - Yes. We had resources in Moscow for Spain. Under Colombia - we planted Colombians in the office. Right in Moscow, they hired Colombians, found and put translators in the office. They took ... They cost a penny.

SP: What language do they have in Colombia? Portuguese or Spanish?

OR: - Spanish. Duane Diaz was a surname, something like that.

SP: — Dwayne Skala-Johnson.

OR: Diaz, I remember. I was afraid that he would get the guns on the corner, cool kid.

How many people do you have in the bourgeois department?

SP: — How many people do you have under bourgeois in the company?

OR: - 8–9.

SP: - Will you cover the promotion department for the CIS?

OR: - We will not. Until we do. As long as there is a market. We just have a pretty strong brand - Rush Agency is known because we have a good reputation. You can open a check of counterparties - we do not have a single arbitration court, we never have.

SP: - Although there are enough rams with SEOs?

OR: - Well, open it, take anyone there will be courts! We will not close, because we see that the market can still be developed. As soon as we stop liking this market, we will relocate - we will move the team, that's all.

Major problems with foreign SEO?

SP: - The main difficulties you have when promoting sites on the bourgeoisie.

OR: - On the bourgeoisie, they masturbated with copywriters for a very long time - it is very difficult to find normal "natives". All sorts of Filipinos constantly write to you ... Filipinos, by the way, nothing. Some “leftist” Indians constantly write: “Sir-sir, hello, my friend fo yu, copywriting, chik-chik-chik-chik ...” It was hard to find Koper. It was difficult to write technologies that would allow us to build links quickly and cheaply.

SP: — But now how many links to your projects can you get per day?

OR: - If you get confused, you can make a grid of ten sites. Just freeze up. But these are 10 fat sites.

SP: - Fat.

OR: “But we, for example, can just take the content for free. We can find a site that has already been kicked out of the search results (unique content), and we will take the content to landing pages for free.

Once again, why raise PBN: links, links and content, just content. You see that the site is spammed by the Chinese, but the content is cool, expert articles? I took it, uploaded it, updated the pictures - that's it, the free content "native speakers" wrote to you (0 rubles 0 kopecks).

SP: - I was even told by the guys who work in the CIS to take old books in the library, which are definitely not on the Internet. You scanned it through FineReader and threw it out.

OR: - Ooo! This is an old thread! She won't roll. Once I bought a bunch of scans from schoolchildren and made satellites for links. After the adult was. There was a whole era of satellites.
Are there parallel businesses?

SP: — Do you have any businesses in parallel with the SEO company? Maybe an offline business?

OR: No, we don't do anything. We have a client business, we have a website, and we have Rush Analytics as a product. Now there is no business. But everyone is sawing different sites, everyone is trying to open a pizzeria, a cafe ... We decided to focus on what we do well and develop it - I advise everyone.

There is a book called From to Great, a study of corporations that were good, that were powerful, that went bankrupt, that became great. And there is a “hedgehog strategy”: it tells how a fox tries to devour a hedgehog - she jumps on him, she tries to throw him off the mountain; hedgehog, the only thing he does is close (this is the only thing he knows how to do); and the fox cannot possibly eat the hedgehog unless he drops it into the water. That is, the strategy of the hedgehog is to do what you can and go forward. And you don’t need to launch a blockchain project, you don’t know a damn thing about it - go make traffic! Go find new profitable partners, to whom you will sell plumbing traffic in America, lei at a casino, I don’t know, in Vietnam. If you know how to make traffic, do traffic.

For fun, today we discussed - we want to make a coffee house in the office, just for fun, make coffee in the office. Fan. Everyone makes coffee houses - we will also make a coffee house. But it will cost us 0 rubles. We don't go to other businesses.

SP: - Well, in the office you can already make a hookah bar.

Where do you want to end up in business?

SP: Where do you want to end up in business? Your plans.

OR: - In business? Of course, to become a rentier, rent a bunch of real estate and do nothing.

SP: - A bunch of their services?

OR: - A bunch of services. I would go further into real estate. I would just rent out real estate and buy further objects. In my free time, I would do what I would train people, tell people how to do it there ...

SP: - Pass on what you know.

OR: — Yes, I just know a lot, I can talk about sales, about marketing; and I like it when guys come in who start out like I did 10 years ago. I can tell them how to do it in such a way that they don’t run for 4 years, it’s not clear where, but do it in two months. I would just lecture to young people.

SP: - Go to the YouTube channel and immediately make its English version.

OR: We've bought a studio! Not as busy as yours.

SP: - It isnot mine.

SEO Trends 2019-2020

SP: - SEO trends in the bourgeoisie, 19-20th year. Drop chips!

OR: - In the "black" topics, the PF will be twisted, because the Russians come abroad with cheating. Now they are spinning - they will spin harder. If you see something strange in the search results, look, perhaps, PF. In the "white" SEO, nothing will change much. Google rolled out a new update, I just haven’t entered the western department yet - my brother is studying. Our sites have grown this year, someone has fallen.

Their algorithm is also called “Your money, Your life”, when “left” articles are written about medicine, that’s all. It can already be taken out from under the filters, but it will be more difficult - be careful with medicine. I would like to see how it moves before going there. And I definitely wouldn't go into farming and Paid Alones for sure. Absolutely not. Because it is for-re-gu-li-ro-va-no. It will be hard, that is, the usual SEO will not work, you will have to study the niche too deeply, invest a lot of money and get ****ing there. You don't have to go there.

SP: - In short, we do not go to the pharmacy and loans.

OR: - In America. We are talking more about America now. Someone recently opened, read on VC, someone makes loans for South America. Someone in the Philippines is pouring loans for me - excellent. I don’t remember who, I won’t lie, but it also works.

Average costs in the bourgeoisie for promotion?

SP: — The average cost of promoting your projects in the bourgeoisie per month.

OR: — Client? Let's do this: if you make a site for Amazon, you definitely need to invest a mower of bucks per month.

SP: Does he bring? What is the margin? How, do you remember, at Portnyagin's?

OR: “Before we got to the point where it could be done scalably, we spent $50. Well, it’s in a CMS, cloned… You know, you launch a design, you choose a button, it changes the colors of another design for you and mixes the css so that it’s impossible…

SP: — Even on a bunch of websites?

OR: - Don't care at all.

What is the margin?

SP: - What is the income?

OR: - Well, look, if you invest two mowers, even, let's say, you have three mowers ... But if you have so much traffic, then you can roughly scoop out ... It depends heavily on the topic. We chose the bad one at the last one, it is strongly seasonal. You can get 3-4 thousand dollars a month. But it is difficult. I would not go into the first business in SEO in Amazon articles, unless I immediately go on a course with smart guys.

SP: - I would go to the Amazon articles.

OR: - If I didn’t understand anything in SEO yet, I would just figure out the basic SEO, in the usual one, then I would go there. Because Amazon is a competitive topic. We are not the only smart ones. People all over the world are doing it. I wouldn’t go to Amazon right away, I would first figure out the Russian CEO, pick it up, and at the same time I would immediately learn English and go to the bourgeoisie.

SP: - In the end, all the same, the conclusion is: the faster to the bourgeoisie, the better.

OR: - Of course yes.

SP: - The same with YouTube: the sooner you launch the channel, the better.

OR: - Yes. Learn English, do SEO.

Do you buy dropped domains?

SP: — Do you buy dropped domains and restore sites?

OR: - Yes Yes. We buy. It's just that we're not looking for them now at auctions, which will be released. We are able to find in the web archive on our subject that someone has missed, and you can buy for face value and not haggle at the auction.

SP: — That is, this domain will not be put up for auction yet?

OR: “Everyone has already missed it. You take it for face value, you buy it. And you know that there is content there, there are normal links, that it is not spammed - in Rush Analytics you can do all this for 100 rubles.

SP: Why are you restoring it?

OR: - Grid for links, of course.

SP: — Do you have a large grid for links?

OR: — For each project, we make directly thematic ones. There is some real estate in Spain (under the UK we are promoting) - we will restore thematic drops on real estate in Spain, look for bankrupt Spanish agencies. There are people who are looking for these drops, and we are making a cool grid.

SP: - Isn't it that you have 10 thousand sites?

OR: — I don't think it works at "long length". You will not be able to sell these projects later. If you want to get out of these, you will transfer access to this grid of sites along with this, it will be fair to the buyer. And you can get out without maintaining the infrastructure, so as not to ruin your reputation. You sell everything and get out. I just think that if you sell a site, sell a link, don't deceive people.

SP: - She is not a sideline - she is part of this business in fact.

Do you negotiate directly with webmasters?

SP: — Do you negotiate with webmasters if you need a link on a specific resource?

OR: - Yes. Difficult, difficult. There are few answers. There are cold marketing strategies that can be done. Yes, we agree, yes, we outreach. If there is a good newsbreak, if there is a good big article, there is an infographic, then yes, of course. For clients, of course. We have clients of well-known brands, if we write on their behalf (there is mail on their domain - marketing@blablabla):

Do you want to collaborate with us?

- Yes, of course, we will put a link.

How do you wind up behavioral factors?

SP: - How exactly do you wind up behavioral ones? Many - ZennoPosterom, and say that in the top "Yandex" in two weeks.

OR: - We do not twist behavioral. At all. As it is. We don't spin. I took the site, twisted it - it works; removed. I told you about this system - it's not worth doing much harm.

ZennoPoster? Well, if they are very smart, let them work. If you are very smart, you know how to emulate user behavior, you understand how it works - yes, you can cheat. In short, either a private service or ZennoPoster, if you know how to do it.

SP: — Mouse movement on the screen?

OR: - Yes Yes Yes. Emulation, footprints, randomized footprints, that is, you have to understand how it works. And in general, I would buy footprint parsing from somewhere and throw it there; from a router of some kind, for example. Here, there is a Man in the middle attack: I bought footprints from hackers, don’t take cards ... If you, as a researcher, want to do this (it’s clear that all this is illegal, I don’t urge you to buy something from hackers), logically - you need to take real footprints of browsers, upload to your emulator and walk around with it. This is how it will work.

PF cheat for Google

SP: — What about the PF cheat for Google? main method.

OR: - I can only say - yes, Google uses behavioral factors. Yes, you can spin.

SP: - Is the effect slower than in Yandex?

OR: — Yes, slower, but there is. Google is more inert. Yandex works faster than PF, in my opinion. Someone will say differently. I didn’t spin for America personally, the guys I knew did spin ...

SP: From my department...

OR: — No, really. We never turn for clients, even when they ask. We say: “Guys, we will not be responsible for this, they will definitely be banned when we leave.” They even ask - we don’t twist.

SP: - We figured out the SEO, figured out everything. Give: I have such a jacket ...

OR: - If there are any questions, I will leave the "Cart" - write. I answer slowly, I answer not quickly, but I answer everyone.

SP: - Here, I have such a jacket ...

OR: — Our digital clan.

SP: - Oleg brought, Rush Agency.

OR: — Therefore, do business and fuck the rules, our creative is behind - the one who asks the best question in the comments. I will come to the comments and I will answer from my account. Write. And we'll leave the "Cart" there.

SP: - For the best question on SEO, on sites. The author of this question will receive this t-shirt.

OR: - Not in a personal.

SP: — Yes, on YouTube, of course, under this video.

Let's do another contest. Whoever sends us the coolest project in general - the most interesting or the most hilarious, the most creative site on the Internet, roughly speaking - you will make a free audit for him, just tell him, send a person.

OR: - Yes, let's do it. There will be a condition like this: that this is a real project (not just invented there - there, we sell a beaver's ass in Australia); the project is preferably under the West (we can help); if there are no interesting ones for the West... send any projects - we will choose one project and do a mini-audit, just find growth points. We made Sergey an audit today.

SP: I haven't seen it yet, but I'll take a look.

OR: - We will do it, we will help, just growth points. We can call, an hour to tell what to do. One who sends the site (and I like it) will receive an analysis, and for the best question - ...

SP: — The jacket is cool, to be honest.

OR: We printed it on purpose.

SP: — Oleg, thank you very much. We will see you soon then soon in your company, in December. By the promo code “PeoplePRO”, if someone in their academy wants to learn… What will you teach there? SEO?

OR: — We will teach you how to understand SEO in two days, how it works and so that you can promote your site.

SP: - In Runet?

OR: — Yes, in Runet. We are not doing it under the West yet, because it is difficult there.

SP: - 15 thousand rubles with a promo code. By the way, I think that this is normal, because at first we spent, probably, three thousand dollars on SEO on our various projects. Three thousand dollars is normal, it is 180 thousand rubles.

OR: - You will simply understand, even if you order somewhere - you will understand that you are being deceived, because it does not work that way. You know that this tag is needed for this, and the “salesperson” explains to you ...

SP: – You will already understand that instead of “guarantee”, a good SEO specialist should say: “Hu… ntiya”!

OR: So you can trust him!

SP: - They say that YouTube has a speech analyzer. Keywords are needed not only in the description (they say!) ...

OR: - SEO, SEO, order SEO, buy inexpensive SEO, good SEO ...

SP: - SEO Specialist...

OR: — How to promote a website, SEO promotion, order SEO promotion…

SP: — How to study SEO, SEO guarantees…

Everything guys! I hug. Thank you. Bye!

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