Apple accuses Google of creating 'massive threat illusion' after recent iOS vulnerability report

Apple responded to Google's recent allegation that malicious sites can exploit vulnerabilities in different versions of the iOS platform to hijack iPhone to steal sensitive data, including text messages, photos and other content.

Apple said in a statement that the attacks were carried out through sites associated with the Uyghurs, an ethnic minority of Muslims who live in China. It is noted that the network resources used by attackers do not pose a serious danger to Americans and the vast majority of iPhone users in other countries of the world.

Apple accuses Google of creating 'massive threat illusion' after recent iOS vulnerability report

β€œThe sophisticated attack was highly targeted and did not affect the broad masses of iPhone users, as stated in the report. The attack affected less than a dozen websites dedicated to content related to the Uyghur community, ”Apple said in a statement. Although Apple has confirmed that there is a problem, the company claims that its massiveness is greatly exaggerated. The statement notes that Google's message creates the "illusion of a massive threat."

In addition, Apple disputed Google's claim that the attacks on iPhone users have been going on for several years. The vulnerabilities were fixed in February of this year, 10 days after the company learned about the problem.

Recall that a few days ago, participants in the Google Project Zero project, within which research is being carried out in the field of information security, stated about the discovery of one of the largest attacks on iPhone users. The report said that the attackers used several chains of iPhone exploits based on 14 vulnerabilities in different versions of the iOS software platform.  


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