Apple in 2019 is Linux in 2000

Note: This post is an ironic observation about the cyclical nature of history. This very observation is not of any practical use, but in its essence it is very apt, so I decided that it was worth sharing with the audience. And of course, see you in the comments.

Last week, the laptop I use for macOS development reported that an XCode update was available. I tried to install it, but the system said that it did not have enough free disk space to run the installer. Okay, I deleted a bunch of files and tried again. Still the same error. I went ahead and deleted a bunch more files and a few unused VM images as well. These manipulations freed up several tens of gigabytes on the disk, so everything should have worked. I even emptied out the bin so that nothing "hangs" there, as is usually the case.

But even that didn't help: I ​​got the same error.

I realized that it was time to launch the terminal. Indeed, according to information from df, there were only 8 gigabytes of space on the disk, although I just deleted more than 40 gigabytes of files (I note that I did this not through the graphical interface, but through rm, so no one had a chance to "survive"). After a lot of searching, I found that all deleted files were moved to the "reserved space" of the file system. And there was no way to get to them and remove them. After reading the documentation, I learned that the OS itself will delete these files "on demand, when more space is needed." This was not very encouraging, because the system was definitely not going to do what it should, although you usually think that Apple's software does such things without errors.

After several attempts to figure out what was going on, I came across a thread hidden in the depths of Reddit, in which someone listed the magical passages with which you can clean up the reserved space. Actually, these passages contained such things as launching tmutil. Moreover, the launch is carried out with a bunch of arguments that, at first glance, do not make any sense at all or relate to what you want to do. But, surprisingly, this shamanism worked and I was eventually able to update XCode.

As my blood pressure levels returned to normal, I felt a sense of déjà vu wash over me. This whole situation reminded me painfully of my experience with Linux in the early XNUMXs. Something is absolutely random, without any adequate and understandable reasons for you, it breaks, and the only way to “return everything back” is to dig up some stubborn commands for the console on some thematic forum and hope for the best. And at the moment of realizing this fact, I had an epiphany.

After all, the history of file system space is not an isolated case. There are parallels everywhere. For example:

External monitors

Linux 2000: Connecting a second monitor will most likely fail. Fans say that all manufacturers are to blame for not providing complete information about the model.

Apple 2019: Connecting a projector is likely to end in a fail. Fans say it's all manufacturers' fault, as they don't guarantee that their HW will work with every Apple device.

Software Installation

Linux 2000: There is only one racially correct way to install software: use the package manager. If you do something else, then you are a dick and should suffer.

Apple 2019: There is only one racially correct way to install software: use the Apple Store. If you do something else, then you are a dick and should suffer.

Hardware Compatibility

Linux 2000: A very limited list of hardware works out of the box, even when it comes to popular devices like 3D graphics cards. The equipment either does not work at all, or has reduced functionality, or seems to work, but crashes from time to time for no apparent reason.

Apple 2019: A very limited list of hardware works out of the box, even when it comes to popular devices like Android phones. The equipment either does not work at all, or has reduced functionality, or seems to work, but crashes from time to time for no apparent reason.


Linux 2000: if the answer to your problem doesn't show up on the first page of the search results, that's it, it's the end. Asking friends for help will only lead to them entering your problem into a search engine and reading the information from the first SERP link.

Apple 2019: if the answer to your problem does not pop up on the first page of the search results, then that's it, this is the end. Calling tech support for help will only result in them entering your problem into a search engine and reading the information from the first SERP link.

Notebook features

Linux 2000: It's very hard to find a laptop with more than two USB ports.

Apple 2019: It's very hard to find a laptop with more than two USB ports.

Love till death

Linux 2000: Penguin fans tell you in no uncertain terms that their system is the best, and sooner or later it will be on all PCs. Said fans are arrogant computer geeks.

Apple 2019: Apple fans tell you in no uncertain terms that their system is the best, and sooner or later it will be on all PCs. Said fans are arrogant hipster designers with a glass of latte in their hands.


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