Ardor 8.2

Ardor 8.2

Available for download new version of Ardor 8.2 – free and open recording software. This update includes support for new devices and bug fixes.

Ardor 8.2 adds support for new devices, including the Novation LaunchPad X and LaunchPad Mini controllers, and the Solid State Logic UF8 USB MIDI/Mackie Control Protocol device.

This update adds several new features, most notably note tupling, a feature that allows you to select one or more notes when editing MIDI and split each note into two equal parts by pressing the "s" key when working with complex rhythms. The process can be reversed using the keyboard shortcut Shift+S, and you can also merge selected adjacent notes by pressing the "j" key.

The second new feature in Ardor 8.2 is the no strobe user preference option, which allows you to disable all "flashing" elements in the Ardor GUI, such as the clock, blinking buttons, level indicators, etc. This change is intended for people with photosensitive epilepsy.

Additionally, this release changes the default sample rate to 48 kHz, adds a "Mute" button in the recorder window, improves the drawing of straight lines for velocity notes, adds support for tracking GUI visibility for LV2 plugins, and displays note lengths on hover. editing time.

Fixed an issue with inserting tempo maps into the correct position when importing tempo maps from MIDI files, added the ability for users to clear scan information for LV2 plugins, optimized tempo map operations, improved Lua scripting, and enabled playback even when there is no defined start. end of the session.

Fixed bugs in the MIDNAM file for Moog Subsequent 37, improved support for the Console 1 controller and systems where XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not an absolute path.

Ardor 8.2 is available for download as source code on the official website. The developers provide paid, ready-to-run binaries for GNU/Linux, Windows, and macOS systems if you want to support their work. An unofficial build is also available as Flatpak apps from Flathub.


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