Canonical urges Windows 7 users to move to Ubuntu

Canonical urges Windows 7 users to move to Ubuntu

Canonical's product manager Rhys Davis posted a post on the Ubuntu distro website about the end of support for the Windows 7 operating system.

In his entry, Davis notes that millions of Windows 7 users have two ways to protect themselves and their data since Microsoft ended support for the operating system. The first way is to install Windows 10. However, this way is associated with significant financial costs, because in addition to buying a license, the latest operating system from Microsoft will most likely require a hardware upgrade and even the purchase of a new computer.
The second way is to install one of the Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, which will not require any additional costs from a person.

In Ubuntu, the user will find familiar applications such as Google Chrome, Spotify, WordPress, Blender and even Skype from Microsoft itself, which will allow you to continue using the computer in the usual way without any problems. Thousands more programs are available through the application center.

Allows Ubuntu to play many popular games such as Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Hitman, Dota. However, a number of games, unfortunately, are still unavailable. However, the situation is improving every day.

Particular attention in the development of Ubuntu is paid to security issues. Due to the openness of the code, each line is checked by Canonical specialists or someone from the community members. Moreover, Ubuntu is the most popular operating system for enterprise cloud solutions, and using it you get a product that giants like Amazon and Google trust.

Getting and using Ubuntu is completely free. There is a huge amount of documentation available on the distribution's website, and there is also a forum where everyone can get help from the community in case of any problems.

If you know a person or company who continues to use Windows 7, let them know that such use is no longer safe. And one way to secure their computers is to install one of the Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, which brings enterprise-level reliability to ordinary users.


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