Capcom released a saving patch for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, but it did not help everyone

Capcom announced the release the promised patch for the PC version Monster Hunter: World, which was intended to fix performance issues and disappearing saves in the Iceborne add-on.

Capcom released a saving patch for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, but it did not help everyone

The developers note that protection against the loss of progress has its price: for users whose files were created before November 22, 2018, with the release of the new patch, the keyboard layout will return to standard values.

In this case, when you enter the game, an error about the inaccessibility of the keyboard settings will be displayed. According to Capcom, this message does not pose any danger and can be ignored.

The patch was also intended to reduce Iceborne's CPU load, which was "inexplicably high", but the update did not help everyone: under the developers' record about the release of the patch, players keep complaining on performance.

Capcom released a saving patch for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, but it did not help everyone

Some Steam users are still experiencing CPU usage issues on the same scale as before, while others have noted a partial or complete improvement in the situation.

By folk methods, it was calculated that performance problems in the PC version of the add-on are also related to the operation of the anti-cheat system. By using simple manipulations mechanism can be disabled.

The PC version of Iceborne was released four months after the console version - on January 9, 2020. Despite the technical troubles, as a result of the release on the PC, sales and shipments of the addon reached 4 million copies.


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