May the Force of backward compatibility be with you: IE 2.0 launched in Windows 10

Despite all the shortcomings of Internet Explorer, it is still present in Windows, including the latest version. What's more, it's part of the classic and future Microsoft Edge. Although the company itself did not recommend using it as a daily browser.

May the Force of backward compatibility be with you: IE 2.0 launched in Windows 10

On Reddit appeared information that enthusiasts were able to launch on Windows 10, the Internet Explorer 2.0 browser, which was released almost a quarter of a century ago. And this is quite unexpected, considering how many years have passed since its launch.

It is stated that the Polish version of IE 2.0 was installed for this. Windows 10 was used as a test OS. The browser allegedly worked without additional tricks, although it refused to load sites, since the web browser itself is no longer supported by them.

It is important to note that backwards compatibility is a key feature of both older and newer versions of Windows. This is especially important in the context of the imminent end of support for Windows 7. Redmond claims that 99% of applications created for Windows 7 work flawlessly on Windows XNUMX. And it seems to be true.


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